The benefits of tourism in education

Tourism is an important and most powerful tool to promote national integration and to bring people from different parts of the country or subcontinent closer together. The benefits of tourism are remarkable when combined with education. Traveling is considered the most beautiful experience in a student’s life. People have enjoyed a lot and learned a lot while traveling on their educational journeys. Students eagerly look forward to such opportunities as they are transported from the four walls of classrooms to distant locations. The English only consider their schooling complete after a tour of the continent.

Geography is considered a very boring and uninspiring subject when read in the classroom and just flipping through different books. The Great Ganga can be imagined as a wavy line running along the map. The Taj Mahal, like many others, can be viewed as a monument without actually visiting it. The boring subject of geography will definitely become interesting and engaging when these landmarks are visited by the students. History is very boring for students because they see it as a tale of dead kings and their time of kingdom and will not bring anything to today’s students. However, when students are taken frequently to the sites of glory and defeat, to architectural masterpieces built during the times of these great dead monarchs, history becomes more interesting and exciting than any other subject.

We can really learn a lot more things when we actually come into contact or see such things or places associated with such events. Just sitting at home will narrow our gaze. Any student will fail to understand the impact of the environment on people’s lives. Reading and acquiring lonely theoretical knowledge cannot make a student successful in everyday life. You need to know the habits, customs, cultures and ways of life of people in other places. Traveling leads the students into the sphere of practical knowledge. They come into reality from the realm of dreams and imagination. When traveling, students learn to adapt to changing lifestyles, walking habits and the environment. Different and varied difficulties encountered during travel make students easily adaptable. As such, tourism gives students far more valuable lessons than the lessons found in textbooks.

There was a time when it was considered highly sacrilegious to cross the seas to gain higher education. Travel abroad was not funded. It was this kind of ostrich mentality that produced the worst kind of intellectual stagnation and caused the country’s ignominious decline. However, now in free India, students have recognized the need to learn more languages ​​and gain higher education in the latest technologies. The newest way to learn a new language and understand the other culture is to live among the people we want to get to know. The best way to learn Chinese language and culture is through a short stay in China, rather than completing longer courses only in institutions in our country. Learning a foreign language is the first step in understanding a nation. International understanding is possible for students of our country by participating in tourism packages all over the world.

A student must keep his eyes and mind open on educational trips. Tourism offers an experience of the world and calls to action and practical use of various spiritual and intellectual qualities developed through education. Tact, engaging personality, determination and lively conversation are some of the products of traveling the length and breadth of the country and the world. A student need not initiate the habits, manners, or fashions of other people he visits. Only good and correct attitudes may be adopted by others. The student has to understand the economic problems that the rural people face when going to the villages and see how people survive without proper schools and hospitals. After completing their studies, the students can decide to serve the poor and innocent people in the villages.

Travel must become part of the education system at every level of study. Students will not only become better informed about all walks of life and cultures in their country, but will also have a more liberal attitude. You have mature judgment and a clear understanding of people and their thoughts. Tourism is the fastest and best, if not the cheapest, way to learn new things.

Thanks to Rajesh Mohan | #benefits #tourism #education


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