Understand the reason for backing up your information

Cyber ​​Forensic alludes to digital forensics identifying with legal evidence found on the internet and social media. Since the advent of the digital age, the demand for digital experts is increasing lately due to the high demand for services such as e-government, e-marketing, e-commerce, as well as online networking. As the digital age became dominant, … Read more

E-Commerce and Cybercrime – Part 4

How to deal with the consequences Precisely the loss of assets is one of the consequences of cyber misconduct in e-commerce. Regardless of whether the attacker is inside or outside the organization, victims mostly suffer negative publicity. This can greatly damage the reputation and reputation of the organization, undermine business relationships with customers and other … Read more

Interpersonal communication – tone of voice and body language

One of our subscribers who replied to the last article, Interpersonal Communication – Coding the Response, claimed that email can effectively convey tone of voice and body language. Let’s examine this suggestion. In interpersonal communication, the two-way channel implicitly means that the sender wants to “imply” something and that the receiver must “conclude” the same … Read more

E-business and its advantages

Whether online or offline, customers in today’s marketplace want quality products and information delivered quickly and easily. I’ve typed it before and I’ll type it again, the main advantage of the Internet is speed and convenience. Therefore, e-business, which uses the Internet as the heart of doing business, can help make a company more customer-friendly, … Read more

Disadvantages of e-books

Now, more and more people prefer e-books to traditional ones because they can save them time and money. However, with the flood of various e-books, more and more people are aware of the disadvantages of e-books. The fact that e-books require special devices or PCs can be seen as a disadvantage. Many e-books are typically … Read more

Tips on how to properly use a monopod

Finally a photo technique You probably won’t find it anywhere else! We’ve heard that using a tripod can reduce camera instability and give us cleaner, sharper images. That is an undisputed fact! Unfortunately, lugging around a massive tripod can often be quite a challenge, not to mention we often find ourselves in a position where … Read more