How Do Teachers Assess Online Learners’ Output?

How Do Teachers Assess Online Learners’ Output?

Online classes can be both fun and challenging for teachers who facilitate. Yes, he/she not only has the technical expertise but also the ability to assess the following materials submitted by their learners virtually or on-site for some special cases such as using a digital camera to document a play or procedural assignments: 1st Print … Read more

Private Schools For The Spread of Education

Schools are primarily places of learning. They are educational institutions that have the indomitable task of supporting the students mentally and socially and imparting knowledge to them in order to ensure their holistic development. Therefore, teachers play the most important role in educational institutions. Primary education begins at school and therefore schools play a fundamental … Read more

Advantages Of Taking An Associate College Degree Online

Why should you pursue an associate degree? What is the purpose of this? An associate degree sits between senior high school and a bachelor’s degree, making the transition to college or university a little easier for recent high school seniors. If you want to go further, you can pursue your bachelor’s degree. If you want … Read more

Quality Education Vs Accreditation

Education: “The act or process of educating or being educated; the knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process!” Inquiries into furthering my educational aspirations were made to various colleges within my immediate environmental area. Several of the schools contacted required placement exams that I did not challenge, as I am adept and … Read more

TCExam – Web Assesment

E-learning or online e-learning describes the type of knowledge transfer using the World Wide Web. There are various factors that have contributed to the growth of the online education industry, which is currently valued at around $38 billion. One of the major factors that have fueled the development of online education and learning is that … Read more

5 Future Trends for Education

The upcoming 2012 elections have raised concerns about our education system and how it needs to be revolutionized and transformed. The future of education is very controversial, but five key trends remain. Read on to learn the five future trends for education in the years to come. While many reports and polls predict pretty much … Read more