When You Choose a Business School Course – Make Sure To Ensure Employability For Your Future

Most MBAs today are fairly well versed in their theory but fail to translate any of the ideas into actual action. Many modern management programs, particularly undergraduate courses, place too much emphasis on theory-led practice and tend to overlook the immense value a student can derive from practice-oriented theory. This has led to a general … Read more

Benefits of Taking a Bachelor of Commerce Degree

According to a recent report in the Global Financial Monitor, employers are currently facing a shortage of finance and accounting professionals. The career prospects for graduates with a commercial degree are therefore very promising. A Bachelor of Commerce or B.Com degree is designed to provide students with managerial skills in commerce-related disciplines such as marketing, … Read more

The MAOL Degree Explained

There are different types of graduate business degrees that prepare students for many types of careers. The most typical is the Master of Business Administration (MBA) with its specializations or areas of focus. There is also the Master of Science (MS) degree which allows a student to delve deeper into a business major such as: … Read more

5 Career Options for Fashion Design Degree Holders

Society and parents in general are cautious about encouraging people to work in the fashion industry, and with good reason. First, they are right about the industry’s highly selective employment. They’re also right when they say fashion “isn’t what it seems,” although they probably have no idea what they’re really talking about. But before you … Read more

Why should you choose online accounting courses over traditional accounting courses?

Are you interested in studying accounting? If so, it’s a very good decision. Now you have an important decision to make about whether to pursue your degree by taking advantage of online accounting courses. Two types of courses are available in the market today. One is the traditional type and the other is an advanced … Read more