Accounting is fun!

“How does an accountant make a bold fashion statement? He wears his gray suit instead of his blue one.” We’ve all heard the jokes and can imagine the stereotypical image of the accountant – the straightened pencil pusher clutching a leather briefcase tightly to his chest. But maybe it’s time we ditch these stereotypes. There’s … Read more

Tackle and help out

Due to COVID-19, among others, learners are struggling to cope with the challenges this pandemic brings. Yes, it has been nearly two years and its aftermath is ravaging the joy of learning among learners who are among the least, lost and excluded. For example, in my co-ed class, less than half of my 38 students … Read more

East Los Angeles College – Community college for second-generation Mexicans and Hispanics

East College, a community college that is part of the Community College District, is located in Monterey Park, a suburb of Los Angeles. The college serves a population comprised of large numbers of second-generation Mexicans, Hispanics, and Latinos. It ranks second in terms of transferring Hispanic students to four-year courses. campus East Los Angeles College … Read more

Top 10 Most Common Large File Transfer Problems Eliminated by FTP Site Hosting

One of the most common problems shared by internet users and businesses is the lack of options when it comes to sharing large files online. Here are 10 of the most common complaints. Don’t worry; we are also talking about a solution! 1. Security. For many businesses and Internet users, emailing large files is simply … Read more

Business ethics is a moral responsibility

Ethical business practices are standards of behavior related to moral judgments that apply to individuals working in trade-related positions (Gitman, 2012). Shareholders and stakeholders are two different groups of investors who have a vested interest in a company’s success. Shareholders are investors who are not employed by the company but who have bought shares (stock) … Read more

The Role of the Distance Learning Teacher

With the increasing popularity of online education, due to advancing technologies and an increase in funding for universities to offer distance learning, the role of the teacher, trainer or lecturer in modern higher education is certainly changing. But with greater use of technology in a student’s education, does the competence and overall quality of the … Read more

Paralegal Studies Careers – Providing Critical Legal Services

The fast-paced excitement of a career as a paralegal or legal services provider is dramatically portrayed on popular and syndicated television shows such as Boston Legal and Law and Order. Meanwhile, the local and national news and court and justice television programs have reported on high-profile court cases and trials that have made big headlines … Read more

Driving Distance and Time Calculations Using Microsoft Excel and MapPoint

Microsoft Excel’s “user-defined functions” can be used to perform many tasks related to address and zip code-based information, such as: Some of these are discussed in my colleague Ian Roberts’ ezine article, Using Microsoft Excel to Manage Mailing Lists. User-defined functions, also known as user-defined functions (UDFs), perform complicated calculations or tasks and are used … Read more

Seven Myth Busters of Distance Learning

In this short article, I uncover some of the most common and deadly misconceptions about distance learning. And you want to read this. Why? Because if you don’t consider the new trends and potential of distance learning, you may be ignoring or neglecting important opportunities to improve your professional skills, complete your studies, or grow … Read more