Make money online part 8

As a proven, tried and tested internet business model, there is no denying that profiting from Google AdSense is among the top 10 most used internet businesses for the vast majority of people on the web.

Here are my own thoughts on profiting from Google AdSense.


Powered by the almighty Google itself, you can place Google Ads on any of your website pages (the length is approved by Google). Registration is FREE, but you must meet the standard requirements to have a website with meaningful content before getting your Google AdSense account approved.

Once approved, you can place standard-sized Google ads in specific locations on your webpages. The Google ads show promotions that are relevant to the topic of your website. You get paid for every click your guests make on the Google Ad.

Generally, you don’t make much from a click, so the idea is to have sites with high traffic and have guests looking for such information.


Earning from Google AdSense is regular and managed with automated payment. No customer support is required at all and you don’t have to control the advertisements (depending on how you see them). The Google AdSense system is a decent reward for picking up another pay stream basically by customizing any website page or blog post you have on your websites.


To put it bluntly, relying solely on Google AdSense to bring the bacon home is suicide. It takes quite a bit of energy (and I don’t know how much it would cost you) to build up a sizable payload and start receiving checks from Google on a regular basis.

Numerous aggressive AdSense promoters I know integrate websites with hundreds of them, and numerous more rely on unethical methods – they are blameless until caught by Google, and doing so can result in permanent suspension of their Google AdSense accounts . A huge price to pay for tricking the search engine.

Do you think this is for you?

You might not have expected this conclusion. Despite the fact that profiting from Google AdSense is one of the top 10 internet businesses on the web, I am not going to suggest it. Not all alone, no question. You must be prepared to either create multiple sites with significant traffic and reader premium, or use them to complement your current content-rich sites.

However, please note, if you are considering adding another salary stream, do not hesitate to give it a try. Just don’t do it for fear of money!

Thanks to Latha G | #money #online #part

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