E-Commerce and Cybercrime – Part 4

How to deal with the consequences

Precisely the loss of assets is one of the consequences of cyber misconduct in e-commerce. Regardless of whether the attacker is inside or outside the organization, victims mostly suffer negative publicity. This can greatly damage the reputation and reputation of the organization, undermine business relationships with customers and other stakeholders, and reduce the amount of potential revenue. According to reports from a poll conducted by the Gallup organization for a marketing firm At Plan in March 2000, it was found that attacks on various prominent websites were badly harming consumers. Almost a third of total consumers indicated that they may not be as keen on buying products over the World Wide Web due to recent cybercrime news. Almost seven out of ten online shoppers contacted by phone said they were concerned about the cyber attacks that blocked access to well-known websites like Yahoo, Amazon, etc.

Due to these ubiquitous cyber threats, it is very important for companies to develop a cyber defense program that integrates preventive measures into e-business operations.

But just prevention is not enough. In addition to prevention, a defense program for detection should also be developed. After all, how can you prevent the attack if you cannot see the attacker? The detection process should be like a solid forensic incident response process. Because by establishing such a procedure, both guidelines and procedures for department-related and individual behavior are defined. This also includes the continuous communication process for employees, other stakeholders, analysts and the press. This Incident Response Process is very important as it cannot be focused solely on emergency situations. One interesting thing is that the organizations fend off many attacks every day. In the world of connected business, these attacks are part of everyday life for organizations. But that doesn’t mean everyone should be treated or suspected as an attacker. Then it is impossible to do business. To do this, business leaders must be sane enough to recognize different types of attacks. You should keep in mind that attempted hacks are just as illegal as successful ones. The attempted perpetrators must also be tracked down and punished. In emergency situations, the priority is to secure the forensic evidence needed to identify, arrest and prosecute the perpetrator.

E-business security is a continuous and comprehensive process of adding, managing and removing layers of action based on holistic risk management strategies. As organizations provide system access for internal and external individuals, they should incorporate a cyber defense system that encompasses every possible connection point from the inside to the outside. This is very important because otherwise the organization can become vulnerable to various types of cyber attacks both inside and outside the organization. This will not be good for the organization’s business. Therefore, it is important to design a very good cyber defense system.

Thanks to Archi Crips | #ECommerce #Cybercrime #Part

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