Help Students Grow With These 3 Supportive Teaching Strategies

As a trainer, are you informed about the performance of your students at all times? Do you maintain a proactive or reactive approach to teaching? Do you have supportive teaching strategies designed to help students grow?

You may have established a routine for your class assignments and address students when they ask questions or submit assignments. However, there is one aspect of teaching that requires ongoing engagement and that is the way you interact with and support your students.

Every educator is aware of the challenges involved in attempting to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that supports the learning process and developmental needs of students. Adjuncts face a greater challenge, especially those teaching online courses, as they don’t have the opportunity to meet with students in person on a regular basis. The time spent preparing lesson materials and completing other tasks such as feedback is significant, and it can be easy to lose your students’ perspective when there are so many lesson tasks to complete.

One perspective of my students that I am always concerned with is how they adapt to the classroom environment and respond to the required learning tasks. As an educator, I want to support their development, especially when it comes to changing behaviors or habits. Students rely on specific work habits and patterns to meet the needs of each class, and the idea of ​​having to perform differently in some way can present a mental hurdle or impediment to their progress. Students may also not recognize the need to make changes to how they work or perform until they have been made aware of it through feedback or classroom interactions, and they may or may not be willing to accept it – unless I have a productive one Working method establishes relationship with them.

While every instructor has many aspects of classroom management to consider and focusing on the individual student may not be a priority at all times, there are classroom practices that can be implemented that will help students grow and create a supportive approach to teaching .

Teach students to adapt

Maintaining a supportive approach is necessary as learning requires adaptation. Teachers expect students to perform consistently, which means they must learn to follow academic guidelines, comply with school policies, and do what is expected of them within the allotted timeframe. As instructors know, not all students are fully prepared to be productive or have all the academic skills needed to do their best. This means these students must learn to adapt and make changes when necessary.

There will be students, especially new students, who will have to adapt in some way to these expectations and demands, which means changing the way they think, behave, or react. Transitioning from one class to the next requires adjustment to a new teacher, new expectations, new students, and possibly new procedures. Students also experience change as part of learning, as they may need to adjust what they believe and even what they know about course subjects or topics. Students are more likely to conform when they feel supported by their teachers.

Students as self-directed adult learners

The principle of adult learning that explains how adults learn is known as andragogy and states that adults are independent and self-directed in their ability to engage in the learning process. However, that doesn’t always mean they know what to do or what’s best for them. For example, if I were to ask a group of students to tell me what they need to work on or what their key developmental needs are, they may be able to articulate exactly what is required unless they refer to feedback I have provided.

The next consideration is whether this self-directed nature supports or inhibits their ability to adapt and change when needed. What often happens is that when they think they know their ability to learn best, or when they disagree with their teacher’s feedback, it can lead to initial resistance. The attitude a self-directed adult student adopts is directly influenced by the relationship he has developed with his teachers, which can be productive or hostile.

Help students grow with these 3 supportive teaching strategies

A teacher’s approach has a significant impact on how students respond when interacting with him or her. For example, if the tone of the feedback or communication is harsh or threatening, students may feel intimidated and not respond well. As another example, when students start a new class and find that their teacher has different expectations of them, this can lead to resistance, especially if they have worked in the same way and had positive results in previous classes. As a result, students may exhibit emotional or reactive responses, express their feelings tactfully or otherwise, or they may quietly withdraw and detach from their lessons when unsupported by their teachers. The following are strategies a trainer can use to encourage a supportive approach to teaching.

#1. Develop meaningful and supportive feedback

The learning process is also a behavioral process that occurs through a series of progressive steps. The first step is to understand and understand what they will do, why they will perform the required tasks, and determine if they have the resources and skills required to complete the required tasks.

Once feedback has been received and areas for development identified, students must decide whether to accept or reject it. An instructor will be more effective when they can relate these developmental needs to the potential for positive outcomes and improved performance.

Consider this learning perspective, especially for a new student: The first attempt a student makes to complete a required task is usually the most important step in the process. When they experience positive results, such as B. Encouragement or improved results, they are likely to try again. However, if they make an attempt and experience a negative result, such as B. criticism or lack of recognition from their teacher, they can interrupt the lesson, give up, end or withdraw from the lesson.

#2. Prepare the way for students to adapt

If you suggest that students try something new or different, help them prepare before they begin. This includes offering resources or creating an action plan with them so they know what steps to take. This creates a roadmap that puts you on the road to success. You can set up checkpoints along the way to track them and get updates on their progress so they feel supported.

Once the suggested changes are noted in their feedback, offer to follow up with them to clarify the purpose and intent of your feedback. They will also find it helpful to be available to answer questions as that extra effort helps build a connection. This is especially important with online courses as they cannot “see” you in a virtual environment. Above all, never give up on students, even if they want to quit. Some students need a nudge or extra effort to overcome mental barriers or lack of confidence.

#3. Take a strengths-based approach

I have found that one of the most effective and engaging ways of working with students is to take an approach that focuses on their strengths rather than their deficiencies. For example, I used the sandwich approach to feedback. It starts with a positive statement, then moves on to development issues and ends on another positive, even if the only positive aspect of their achievement is acknowledging the effort put in.

The more you encourage student effort, the better that effort is likely to become in the long run. They can share details describing how you rated their performance, and if there are many issues to solve, try to pick the most important or critical issue first so they don’t get overwhelmed. You want them to think of the learning process as something that happens through incremental steps. And if you think students aren’t reading and acting on the feedback provided, make sure your feedback is meaningful and ask follow-up questions to create a dialogue with them.

Help students change their beliefs

The length of most college courses gives instructors a limited amount of time to get to know and work with their students. Most teachers may not develop a real sense of their students’ potential until they have had time to interact with them and review their performance. It is unlikely that an instructor will know of any previous feedback students have received or whether their performance has improved or deteriorated compared to previous lessons. I’ve learned to focus on how students are doing now and never assume they don’t know better, aren’t trying, or haven’t made improvements. I always believe that all students are capable of learning, and my approach to teaching determines how well they respond and how well they perform.

To create a supportive teaching approach, focus on the specifics of what students need to improve to fuel their progress. This shows your students that you have their best interests in mind. If you expect students to adjust to your personal preferences and they don’t see the benefits of trying what you’ve suggested, you may find yourself at odds with them.

Every student has the potential to try something new and make changes; however, it often comes down to whether they see the benefits of implementing your suggestions or trying to meet your expectations. Your relationship with them, along with your attitude towards their development, will go a long way in helping them adapt and discover that continuous development is a natural part of the learning process. When you cultivate a supportive approach to your teaching, you also foster a positive attitude in your students.

Thanks to Dr. Bruce A. Johnson | #Students #Grow #Supportive #Teaching #Strategies


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