Protect valuable student gear with Mobile Edge

Mobile Edge protective cases offer excellent organization and optimal portability. As many schools across the United States adopted some form of distance learning this year, students are using laptops and other valuable technology more than ever. As a result, millions of additional sensitive electronic devices need to be protected. Mobile Edge offers the industry’s leading … Read more

The Art of Virtual Leadership – 4 Keys to Leading Remote Workers and Managing Virtual Teams

Many companies believe that one of the biggest challenges they face when implementing a virtual office is managing mobile or remote workers. It’s unfortunate that they let that perception prevent them from reaping the many benefits of a more flexible workspace. Remote management is not fundamentally different from managing people on site. The biggest difference … Read more

Associative Remote Viewing Software Application To Lotto Numbers

Associative remote viewing software is a helpful ability in your mind to see numbers in general and lottery numbers in particular. By learning and using this ability, you determine your lucky phase. You can get many things with this technique, not just lottery numbers. You can know the correct winning numbers for the next time … Read more

How do I create a standalone connection pool in Java?

Below is the method I generally prefer to create the connection pool for each database. I am using the BasicDataSource class developed by the Apache Software Foundation and available for free. To work with it you may need to add these JAR files to your classpath: 1. commons-dbcp.jar 2. commons-pooljar 3. commons-collections.jar 4. mysql-connector-java-5.1.5-bin.jar (for … Read more

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Topics for Research

Pandemics throughout human history have consistently created myriad and sometimes unprecedented problems that would require great thinkers to solve. Researchers are positive opportunists who never relent in their efforts to examine the “what,” “when,” “who,” and “how” of any situation just for the sake of bringing relief to humanity. In view of the current outbreak, … Read more

Why JAVA is a top career option for beginners

There are multiple platforms and streams for developing a product or application. When we talk about technologies and programming languages, Java is the most preferred platform. It is used to develop many applications for the systems and embedded devices like mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc. Importance of Java and its role in the IT industry … Read more

FTP coming soon

FTP is the protocol that every single web hosting server uses to allow its subscribers and users to upload and download content between their servers. The servers are just computers like the ones you have at home, but much more powerful and with a lot more disk space. The reason they have so much storage … Read more