The Importance of E – Learning in Today’s Corporate World

The importance of e-learning in today’s corporate world The concept of e-learning is not new to companies and individuals, although the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for companies to use technology platforms to drive learning initiatives. Simply put, e-learning (electronic learning) is the act of learning (education or training) through the … Read more

Future Trends of E-learning

The future of e-learning is indeed very bright. This concept has spread very quickly as more uses for the computer in education have been discovered and explored. On the traditional college campus, there is a trend towards the development of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The VLE concept integrates the full range of electronic extensions … Read more

Mobile App Development and Its Impact on the Education Sector

A 2014 study by Baylor University researchers found that college students spent an average of eight to 10 hours a day on their cell phones. Teens are no better, 75 percent of them own smartphones and 50 percent of them express an “addiction” to their phones. A 2012 study found that teenagers between the ages … Read more

Is e learning worth it? My experience

To many people in Africa, especially Ghana, the topic of e learning is quite foreign and far-fetched as if that era is a million miles away from them. I was no different and frankly, I didn’t believe in the power and authenticity of the many e learning platforms scattered across the web. However, in the … Read more

What Are the 7 Laws of Adult Learning?

Organizations should come together to take a different approach to teaching adults. You need to understand the learning strategies that are appropriate for these adult learners. Malcolm S. Knowles is known for adopting the theory of “andragogy” (“andra” meaning “man or adult”). According to Knowles, teaching an adult differs from teaching a child because the … Read more

Online Training & Certification Courses for Analytics

“Analytics” is probably the new word to use when discussing hot topics in business. Data or business analytics is about collecting, processing, analyzing and interpreting data in order to derive insights from it. Data is collected from various sources and processed in specific ways. Based on the information, various questions are developed and answers are … Read more