Social networks – just do it

“An investment in knowledge brings the best interest.” Ben Franklin Website…Check Blog…Check Facebook…LinkedIn…Check Twitter…Check Now What? The new wave of networking When I started my company I knew we had to be a part of the social network. The challenge was that there was a lack of an idea of ​​how to use them effectively. … Read more

Internet presence – If you want to know a little more about me, just google me

The power of a personal web presence was the subject of a conversation I had with a colleague recently. He was trying to understand the value of having a personal web presence for a non-executive employee. I asked him if he saw value in other industry peers, colleagues, employees, subordinates, supervisors, current or potential customers, … Read more

Magnify your virtual presentations

Keep it focused: If ever there was a place for concise focus and clear messaging, this is it. As a virtual presenter, you fight against a format that invites distractions. Don’t give your audience an additional reason to switch off, such as B. Taking your time to get to your points. Organize your presentation with … Read more

How do I create a standalone connection pool in Java?

Below is the method I generally prefer to create the connection pool for each database. I am using the BasicDataSource class developed by the Apache Software Foundation and available for free. To work with it you may need to add these JAR files to your classpath: 1. commons-dbcp.jar 2. commons-pooljar 3. commons-collections.jar 4. mysql-connector-java-5.1.5-bin.jar (for … Read more

Write your own success story as a forex trader with a forex trading course system

When you are looking for a Forex trading course system, you may get confused with the wide range of options available. The profit opportunities of forex trading cannot be ignored. It offers you an excellent opportunity to supplement your income. At the same time, it’s also true that many people never taste the taste of … Read more

Indian SMEs want to explore Kenya

Kenya is the regional trading and financial center of East Africa. The market economy is characterized by an open foreign trade system and a strong dependence on the agricultural sector. Kenyan economy back on course for growth In the 1990s, the Kenyan economy experienced a sharp decline in its growth rate to a meager 1.5%.* … Read more