How to Design Effective Mobile Learning Systems?

Mobile learning is essentially based on technological progress in the field of information technology and communication. However, in order to make the state-of-the-art mobile devices usable for learning purposes, there needs to be greater understanding between different stakeholders, viz. the content providers, device manufacturers and application developers, and the end users. “Begin and be aware … Read more

Science Education In India

There are currently a number of life science companies in India. Since the names are different, the purpose actually remains the same. These societies aim to bring people onto a universal platform and popularize science. It takes a certain initiative to popularize science, which is necessary for its further improvement in society. Life Science Society … Read more

You Don’t Need a Degree

Nigerians seem to have a script they believe everyone’s life must follow. Hence, there is so much pressure on Nigerian children to grow up and graduate from university, after which they will join the ever-growing team of applicants. Nigerian parents seem to have been brainwashed into believing that everyone must have a university degree if … Read more