Tag: e learning edu

  • Conflict Resolution Strategies in the Workforce

    Conflict Resolution Strategies in the Workforce

    Conflicts in the work environment are inevitable. When two or more people need to work together and combine ideas, the door for conflict is always open. The goal is to learn how to use conflict as a tool that benefits the whole rather than destroying it and the idea of ​​caring. A team must have…

  • Pure Derivation of the Exact Fine – Structure Constant and As a Ratio of Two Inexact Metric Constant

    Pure Derivation of the Exact Fine – Structure Constant and As a Ratio of Two Inexact Metric Constant

    At the Strings Conference in July 2000, theorists were asked which mysteries still need to be unraveled in the 21st century. Participants were invited to help formulate the ten most important unsolved problems in fundamental physics, which were ultimately selected and ranked by a distinguished jury of David Gross, Edward Witten and Michael Duff. No…

  • The Roles of Libraries in Teaching and Learning

    The Roles of Libraries in Teaching and Learning

    INTRODUCTION: Libraries have long played a critical role in learning. The first great library in Alexandria two thousand years ago was really the first university. Consisting of a zoo and various cultural artefacts, alongside much of the written knowledge of antiquity, it attracted scholars from across the Mediterranean who lived and worked in a scholarly…

  • Four Approaches to Journal Entries in the Classroom

    Four Approaches to Journal Entries in the Classroom

    The four approaches to journaling discussed are: learning development, artifact, expression, and social interaction. Additionally, I will evaluate these four approaches in this article for teachers to use in their classrooms. Language and technique learning differs by grade level. Today, only half of the school population is above the national average in reading and writing.…

  • History of End User Programming

    History of End User Programming

    1960s In the 1960s Dartmouth BASIC programming language [7] was designed and implemented at Dartmouth College by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz. Over time, BASIC became a popular language for home and business use, leading many people into programming as a hobby or profession. Many of the modern concepts of computer graphics, dynamic objects, and…

  • Could Computers and the Internet REALLY Replace TESOL English Teachers?

    Could Computers and the Internet REALLY Replace TESOL English Teachers?

    A controversial question At ELT English seminars, workshops and TESOL conferences, I am often asked whether I think computers will eventually replace English teachers. I flash back to the movie The Matrix. In an early scene, our neophyte hero “Neo” learns kung fu by being hooked up to a computer. A few hours later, he…