How To Easily Get An Online MBA Today

In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic taught the whole world that more needs to be invested in e-learning platforms. For universities and institutions that already had e-learning platforms in place, the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t really disrupt their academic performance, but otherwise it had some negative effects on them. Because of these unforeseen circumstances, I’m showing you … Read more


BAB I AKSES E-LEARNING UPU1.1 PERSIAPAN YANG PERLU DIPERHATIKANAda beberapa hal yang mungkin perlu diperhatikan sebagai seorang pengajar sebelum mengakses E-learning UPU diantaranya yaitu : Pastikan Anda sudah memiliki akun (username dan password) untukmengakses ke E-learning UPU, jika belum hubungi admin E-Learning UPU. Pastikan matakuliah yang Anda ampuh sudah terdaftar di web E-Learning UPU. Pastikan … Read more

Steps and features to develop an on-demand healthcare solution like Practo!

Still standing in a long line to get that doctor’s appointment? Well, things have changed a lot in the last year following the outbreak of the pandemic. The need to keep distance and stay at home as much as possible has fundamentally changed the healthcare system. Within a year, many online doctor appointment solutions have … Read more

Medical Billing Training

The Medical Billing Training aims to equip the students with the latest developments in the field of insurance. A significant percentage of insurance claims are rejected due to faulty billing practices. As a result, healthcare providers are now hiring only trained medical billing professionals. Medical billing training will help you understand standard practices in the … Read more

Protect Your Skin from Summer Sun with the Right Supplements

Summer is coming… plan ahead Ultraviolet (UV) rays on unprotected skin can cause first and second degree burns to the skin, commonly referred to as sunburn. Long-term damage from overexposure can include premature aging and even skin cancer. Using commercially available sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher is an effective protection. However, a … Read more

How student loans are viable for higher education

Studying at a global university is a difficult task. With rising admissions and other expenses, parents can no longer guarantee the financing of their child’s studies. Securing approval under this scenario also requires money and time management. The range of expenses includes the admission costs, the rent of the dormitory books and the tuition fee. … Read more