Homeschool Curriculum – 3 Keys to Knowing Exactly What You Need

Most people who start homeschooling think they need a huge amount of curriculum, books, and resources. Having too many resources to choose from can be overwhelming. It’s best to keep things simple. Here’s how:

1. A plan – Before you start buying anything, decide what you want your children to study and study this year. Do you want them to enjoy learning? Do you want them to fill out a specific work book? Do you want them to know all the presidents’ names by heart?

What has worked best for me is to list all the topics at the top of a piece of paper. Then list your students’ names on the left. Under each column, write some ideas for each student about what they should study or accomplish this year. This can be done by you or with your child. When you have completed all of this, circle an item or two for each topic and focus on getting resources to support you. The other items not circled can be used for an additional year or if you run out of material for that year.

2. The basics – Homeschoolers need some basic reading, writing and math supplies. Regardless of your finances, the internet and libraries offer some incredible resources. Don’t disregard them just because they’re free. Your children should spend time with math and language every day. You should either read yourself or listen to you, or a combination of these, every day. For writing, they can draw when they are younger. If they are over 8 years old, they can write a page for you every day. Once children can read, they should be able to teach themselves with a little guidance.

3. The additions – Once you’ve covered the basics, you can add other subjects from your original plan, e.g. B. science, bible, foreign language, art, music, etc.

Books can be purchased new or used. With so many people homeschooling, there are plenty of places you can go to get what you need from someone who has either used the item cautiously or decided it wasn’t for them and didn’t use it at all .

If you plan what you want to do, cover the bases, and add subjects that fit into your plan, you should be able to have a great school year at home.

Thanks to Heidi Johnson | #Homeschool #Curriculum #Keys #Knowing

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