Indian SMEs want to explore Kenya

Kenya is the regional trading and financial center of East Africa. The market economy is characterized by an open foreign trade system and a strong dependence on the agricultural sector. Kenyan economy back on course for growth In the 1990s, the Kenyan economy experienced a sharp decline in its growth rate to a meager 1.5%.* … Read more

Forex Trading – What’s So Attractive About Forex Trading?

One of the attractions for potential clients is the leverage that the forex market offers. The leverages offered vary between 100:1 and 500:1 depending on the broker and thus offer investors the opportunity to make enormous profits with small deposits. With the benefits comes the risk. Even high-stakes positions can lead to margin calls when … Read more

Animation Production in India – A Global Opportunity for Outsourcing

India’s animation industry is booming. Overseas entertainment giants like Walt Disney, Imax and Sony are increasingly outsourcing cartoon characters and special effects to India. Other companies outsource animation for commercials and computer games from India. So what makes India a center for animation? Why is the sector experiencing exponential growth? To do this, let’s take … Read more

Three Reasons to Shift to Online Tutoring

The Internet has changed education. Although traditional teaching methods are still the most effective for teaching, the Internet has paved the way for us to learn through other means. The online world is rich with academic content, instructional videos, written tutorials, and webinars. But despite all these options, there is one learning format that tops … Read more

Apart But Not Away In Teaching

As technology advances, obstacles such as time and distance become a thing of the past. Trades are transacted no matter where the sun shines. While the human sleeps, the computer keeps running with minimal intervention. Opportunities to further indulge in academic excellence are offered through distance learning programs. In line with the main slogan, one … Read more