5 Mistakes Most Online Learners Make

distance learning programs are common these days to allow people to expand and deepen their knowledge using the convenience of internet technology. The main advantages that most online learners enjoy are a flexible schedule and a distance learning environment. However, navigating the world of distance learning can be difficult, not all online learners will be … Read more

The benefits of tourism in education

Tourism is an important and most powerful tool to promote national integration and to bring people from different parts of the country or subcontinent closer together. The benefits of tourism are remarkable when combined with education. Traveling is considered the most beautiful experience in a student’s life. People have enjoyed a lot and learned a … Read more

Everyday Use, Alice Malsenior Walker, and the Influence of Constance Nabwire of Uganda

Social worker and home economist Constance R. Nabwire is best known for her heavily illustrated books on African cuisine and recipes, as well as the cultural connections. “Nabwire” is a female name of southeastern Ugandan and southwestern Kenyan ethnic origin, traditionally associated with someone born at night. “Bwire” is the male version. In the early … Read more

Distance Education – Are You Ready to Hit the Digital Books?

Distance learning is broadly defined as the provision and process of learning when the learner and the information source are separated by distance, time, or both. If any of this learning content takes place on-site for any reason (including taking exams), the learning is referred to as “blended” or “hybrid” learning. The internet has made … Read more

What is citizen journalism?

Reporting the news is no longer just for journalists. The shutdown of hundreds of newspapers across the country has left a reporting vacuum that people are trying to fill on a daily basis. The result is a diverse collection of websites and blogs that serve as an information hub for many communities. The term for … Read more

Tips on how to properly use a monopod

Finally a photo technique You probably won’t find it anywhere else! We’ve heard that using a tripod can reduce camera instability and give us cleaner, sharper images. That is an undisputed fact! Unfortunately, lugging around a massive tripod can often be quite a challenge, not to mention we often find ourselves in a position where … Read more

Benefits of music therapy

Music therapy uses music to promote positive changes in a person’s well-being. These positive changes can manifest themselves in changes in physical development, social and interpersonal development, emotional or spiritual well-being, or cognitive abilities. The therapeutic benefits of music have been known and used since ancient times. However, music therapy in modern times dates back … Read more