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The best place to sell used books
How unwanted second-hand books became big business
It’s a fair bet that used books would have been at the bottom of your list. Booksonmove had filled the gap in the market for new and old books.
With e-books being discussed for the near future, second-hand book shops closing and charity shops often refusing to accept books, the outlook for the trade has been bleak. Books could be bought cheaper than firewood.
The best place to sell used books
However, three young men in Bognor Regis on the south coast of England began to take a different view.
Everyone had boring jobs and wanted to start their own business. One, Simon Downes, now 37, had a business informatics degree and experimented with trading on eBay.
Convinced that physical books were doomed, the three nonetheless saw a lot at flea markets, frequenting them in search of things to resell.
They tried to buy them for pennies and put them up for auction on eBay.
The results could be spectacular. A stack of unsold paperbacks by Barbara Cartland, which they bought from someone who tossed unsold books in a bin at the end of a flea market, fetched them £270.
“Contrary to intuition, books seemed like a salable product when the audience was not local but global,” says Mr. Downes.
The three reported all of this to the father of one of them, a local businessman, Arthur Maxfield, who was also curious about the potential of the internet for buying and selling.
We have a platform where you can sell or buy used or old books online by posting ads from your home in minutes. The platform name is ( BooksOnMove ).
Sell ​​old books online

If you don’t mind putting in some time and effort, chances are you’ll make the most money by selling your unwanted collections online directly to individual buyers.
Sell ​​old books online. Larger antiquarian bookshops and book exchanges sometimes buy up entire collections, whereby in the best case you only get about 15 percent of the knockdown price, and then only the quantities you really want. If you have textbooks to sell, try BOOKSONMOVE: they usually pay more than other antiquarian bookshops, at least for recent editions.
Sell ​​Old Books Online – Best Platform for Buying and Selling Books
You can sell your used, old or new books here by placing ads. We have more than 50,000 buyers and sellers on this site, so you need to login on this site. Thanks.

Where to sell used books online
Here you can sell used books, whether online or in person. We have options for selling textbooks, hardcovers and paperbacks.
I like to start with BooksOnMove says they are for textbook buybacks only, but I’ve had good luck checking the prices of regular trade books. BooksOnMove tells you which sites are currently paying for each book you’re trying to sell. This will give you a good idea of ​​whether your books are worth selling at all. Keep in mind that all of these sites pay based on what they think they can sell books for, so books with higher demand will sell for more.
I’m checking the retail price of Go Set a Watchman, a hardcover book I paid full price for but one I honestly never want to see on my shelves again.
One thing before we continue: Unless you’re a collector or planning to do it in bulk, you probably won’t make much money from your books. You’ll be pretty lucky to earn $1 per book. If you plan to sell books, wait until you have at least one stack of them ready. If you only have two or three books to bring home, better put them in a small free library.
Where to Sell Used Books Online – Best Platform for Buying and Selling Books
You can sell your used, old or new books here by placing ads. We have more than 50,000 buyers and sellers on this site, so you need to login on this site. Thanks.

Thanks to Abdullah Nasir | #book #reviews #find #online #jobs

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