The Importance of E – Learning in Today’s Corporate World

The importance of e-learning in today’s corporate world

The concept of e-learning is not new to companies and individuals, although the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for companies to use technology platforms to drive learning initiatives. Simply put, e-learning (electronic learning) is the act of learning (education or training) through the use of digital resources such as computers, the Internet, software programs and mobile devices.

Now more than ever, organizations need to provide learning solutions for employees using digital platforms as the benefits far outweigh the cons. With digital learning solutions, organizations can achieve much more than before. This article examines the benefits of digital learning and why organizations need to rethink their learning strategies.

Why it is essential for companies to use digital learning platforms

The use of digital learning platforms is dramatically changing our education system and the corporate world should be ready to embrace this new reality. The days of classroom training are coming to an end due to high-speed internet and other advances in technology. It is becoming increasingly difficult for employees to remain engaged and attentive during extended classroom training sessions, and learners’ attention spans have decreased significantly over the years. Research shows that e-learning takes about 60% less time than learning the same information in a classroom setting. Training providers need to look for ways to deliver training programs that ensure learners are properly engaged – the use of technology makes this possible.

Advances in technology have made access to information much easier and faster, individuals now have easy access to news articles, videos, podcasts and other forms of digital content. The benefits of e-learning are numerous, we have listed some of them below

1. E-learning allows for more flexibility in training method and schedule.

2. Digital learning makes information easily accessible anywhere, anytime.

3. E-learning courses are usually cheaper, which saves employers additional costs.

4. Unlike a typical classroom training, the number of learners who can attend a course at the same time is virtually unlimited.

5. Digital learning allows learners to learn at their own pace, increasing engagement and retention.

The future of corporate learning

For organizations to survive, they must constantly evolve to meet the demands of our ever-changing world, and e-learning is a key factor in the success and growth of any organization. According to Forbes, “Companies like IBM, Sears and Visa are beginning to phase out their legacy systems and build a new generation of learning infrastructure that looks more like a ‘learning network’ and less like a single integrated platform.” Forward-thinking organizations recognize the fact that Employees are more receptive to e-learning, they understand that the younger generation of workforce has grown up with technology embedded in their daily life and education, and therefore adapt their training to interactive videos and other multimedia learning techniques. This is an important part of the continued success of such organizations while the other organizations that don’t evolve will eventually disappear.

A study in the Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education notes that “levels of satisfaction with online instruction increased to 95% in the 2011-2012 survey, compared to 73% to 87% in the 2003-2004 survey.” This study shows that in both surveys, students were satisfied with the concept of online learning, especially students from 2011-2012. From such studies, organizations should realize that e-learning is not just an additional function to education or training, but actually a central and effective educational method that can and should be adopted, it is a powerful tool that provides companies with highly qualified employees and also benefits the company economically. E-learning is and will remain an important factor in education and training.

The companies that will survive now and into the future are those that are constantly evolving their systems and processes to meet today’s demands. Organizations that are serious about survival not only need to update what their employees learn, they also need to revamp the way their employees learn.

Thanks to Obaro E Aziza

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