Education: The basis of everything

Since learning is the basis of knowledge, education is the structure from which knowledge flows. Gathering information is like a murmur connection. What do you do with them when you have them? The byproducts of education—awareness of different concepts, appreciation of ideas, understanding of different philosophies—are all powerful foundations for growth and change. Intelligence contains … Read more

Interactive technology in health education

Healthcare professionals are under pressure to remember, use and absorb increasing amounts of new or changing information. This surge has resulted in new and improved computerized tools for many healthcare activities and an explosion in the market for tools used in the instruction and training of healthcare workers. This article explains the use of interactive … Read more

Chapter 4 of the Army Training Management Cycle – Planning Strategies

Once Army leadership has established the list of essential mission tasks, the last four phases of the Army training management cycle are complete: planning, implementation, evaluation and feedback. The first of the final four phases is planning, Chapter 4 of the Army Training Management Cycle. Using the mission’s essential task list and his assessment of … Read more

Food safety training

Are you aspiring to a career in the food industry and looking for food safety training? Perhaps you are considering becoming a food or restaurant inspector. Whatever the reason you are reading this, food safety has become a major concern. Concern has grown not just in the United States and Canada, but around the world. … Read more

Career cluster, a bridge between education and career planning

Since the 1960s, career cluster resources have been used as career exploration and planning tools in schools, learning communities, and organizations across the country. Career Clusters is a system for coordinating education and career planning. Step 1: Identify career cluster areas of interest Occupation groups are groups of similar occupations and industries. When teachers, counselors, … Read more

Brain Training for Slow Learners

Children who learn slowly are often dismissed by many as lazy or feeble-minded. However, it is important to understand their unique needs and help them overcome their learning disabilities. After all, learning difficulties not only affect their education and personal life, but are also likely to trigger doubts and low self-esteem. Therefore, it is imperative … Read more

MOOC Analytics: What Corporate Training Can Learn From Big Data

What parts of your exercise program are most or least effective? When are your employees really engaged and when are they dreaming? Which training sessions/simulations/assessments/employee actions are most associated with learning? How does training affect the success of your employees and your organization? Would you like to be able to answer these questions? According to … Read more

Skycon Education

Skycon Education is India’s leading website providing students with the e-platform for student development in various fields of computer education. We offer students here the opportunity to learn from basic computer education through to MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook and additional English vocabulary lectures to improve their level in English. By participating in our … Read more