Selection of educational toys for children with learning disabilities

Some children have to deal with learning disabilities or problems learning new information. They might struggle to master skills like throwing and catching a ball. They might get confused trying to communicate by talking to and listening to others. Without being able to learn and retain important information, these children struggle even more as they … Read more

Researching Special Education Schools for Your Child

Research on learning difficulties strongly supports early intervention for children who are struggling in school. Children with a learning disability who receive appropriate attention and support to develop their weak areas are just as likely to be successful students as their non-disabled peers, as long as their weaknesses are identified early. Parents of students who … Read more

Education And Health – Learning Is Good For The Brain And The Body

Never underestimate the benefits of a good education. Thomas Jefferson would have hit the nail on the head if he had written “life, liberty, and the pursuit of health and education” in the Declaration of Independence instead of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” “ Education, health and happiness are inextricably linked, according to … Read more

Formal Education Versus Informal Learning – What Is the Best Mode of Acquiring Knowledge?

The key to effective learning is acquiring new ideas and making existing knowledge and skills more effective. According to the experts, informal learning is the ideal way to achieve this goal. With the growing reliance on technology, the collaborative aspects of education have become more important. The formal training in a traditional classroom, where the … Read more