Thoughts Are Reality

Using Albert Einstein’s infamous equation E=MC2 I generated Rainer’s Time Longevity Equation by replacing the C coefficient (the speed of light) with its equivalent speed variables D/T (distance/time). The Rainer’s Time Longevity Equation is: T=√D2x M x 1/E Time is equal to the square root of distance squared multiplied by matter, then multiplied by the … Read more

How To Draw a Bode Plot

There are two ways to draw a Bode plot. One calculates the magnitude and phase of the system transfer function at each frequency and plots the graph using those points. The other called asymptotic Bode plot, considers straight lines between poles or zeros, and has some simple rules for the slopes of those lines. Due … Read more

Creating a Positive Long Distance Relationship

Relationships can be difficult, but long-distance relationships bring new meaning to the idea of ​​what is difficult in a relationship. The emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical needs of the relationship must be met in alternative ways. Long distance relationships can be successful when cultivated on the art of communication and trust between partners. Prioritizing and … Read more