How To Pay Off Your Student Loan Before You Graduate

Here are the hard facts that most college graduates face after school.

Not having a job or not having the job they want because the days of graduating from school and staying at the same company are over.

“Most college graduates will have up to 3 careers or more in their lifetime”.

At least that’s what the economists out there are predicting.

Which is the case.

I would recommend that you start your entrepreneurial career while still at school.

You can start an online business or side hustle right out of your dorm room and work around your class schedule and then turn that business into a cash cow for YOU.

You can then use this to pay off your student loan.

I mean you would think this would be a no-brainer for most college students, but you would be thinking wrong.

Most of them are too busy using these 4 years away from home to party like crazy and follow the crowds!!

The other thing is you can use this experience to get the job you want before you graduate.

Okay, now let’s move on to some business models.

These are just the outlines.

You need to take what you choose, adapt and expand on it and make sure you do some research and model your business after other great companies in your market.

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.

Learn from the mistakes of other companies and test ideas that you think could work for your own sales funnel.

The business models are

1). Reverse Ecommerce.

This is the case when you set up a website or use eBay and list items that you think can be sold.

First step.

They take high quality photos and list the item.

If they sell, you go back and buy the item and ship it to the buyer.

This is a great way to do business since you don’t need inventory.

This gives you the freedom to test the market in your niche and see what’s selling.

2). eBook business model.

This is when you write a PDF and format it into an eBook with graphics.

However, remember that you don’t have to create anything if you don’t want to.


If you’re passionate about an idea, try creating an eBook around that passion.

And if not.

You could just interview an expert and then turn that interview not only into an eBook, but also into a real book and audio product.

So, you could end up with a home study course or membership site and earn monthly passive income from it.

These are just 2 business models that you can use and start from your own dorm room.

The great thing about these two business model ideas is that you don’t need that much money to get started.

Now can you see how this could and should work?

I want to stress you guys… really think about using this idea to pay off your student loan and build a successful online business at the same time!

Thanks to Thomas Jay Daniels | #Pay #Student #Loan #Graduate


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