History Of Business Administration Education

The Business Administration School is a university-level institution that trains students in subjects such as accounting, finance, marketing, organizational behavior, strategic planning and quantitative methods. Most business schools have experienced, well-qualified faculty and efficient managements. In 1881 the first Collegiate Business School was founded in Wharton.

Business schools prior to World War II were mostly “trade schools” and were run with relatively little prestige. After World War II, and especially after 1960, business schools began to grow rapidly. They are often referred to as university graduate schools. MBA degrees originally emerged in the United States of America due to the rapid growth of industrialization that made it imperative for companies to use academic approaches to teach management. The first MBA degree was offered by Dartmouth College in 1900. Business schools have mushroomed and thrived in every state and country, making it possible for people who work during the day to attend classes and earn degrees at night.

Since 1988, business schools have changed deans, altered curricula, and emphasized new expertise among their students. An MBA degree has opened up numerous opportunities for its holders. Currently, almost all positions in business require an MBA degree as a minimum qualification. This includes executives in marketing, finance, human resources, operations and information technology. Investment companies, banking firms and a number of management consultancies prefer to employ MBA graduates with a specialization in finance. These graduates are well versed in their respective fields. For industries like media and entertainment, an MBA is not a requirement, but it is seen as an added benefit.

There is a wide variety of options among the various academic institutions that offer business courses. Various websites are available that detail information about each area of ​​specialization along with their course details. These sites also provide information about the universities that are well qualified and offer competent MBA programs.

Thanks to Eddie Tobey | #History #Business #Administration #Education

1 thought on “History Of Business Administration Education”

  1. if the history BA starts with fredrick winslow taylor in 1911 when he published principles of scientific management then how come the first MBA would be issued out in 1900?


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