Early Childhood Education – Importance and Learning

As a parent, you may have many questions such as what does early childhood education mean? and Why do our children need to learn “early” in order to thrive better in school and in life?

according to dr James Heckman, a Nobel laureate in economics and expert on the economics of human development, “Early education is the foundation of later learning. Learning early creates more learning.”

Planting the seed in the ground and watering the seedling will give you a tree with a solid base that can support. Human potential also needs to be developed and nurtured in the early stages. If you want to build a better future for your child, you must develop the skills they need to sustain the future.

It has been said: “As a branch is bent early, so is a tree bent. Early investment in a child’s future pays off ten times more in later life.

Invest, develop, maintain = grow

Invest: Investing is not just investing money in an early childhood program, it is also investing time and energy to bond with your baby while completing an early childhood education program.

Develop: Encourage your child to love them, give them support, comfort as they develop, identify, nurture and tap into the skills they have at an early age.

My mother said to me: “If you are a soldier, you become a general. If you are a monk, you will become Pope.” Instead, I was a painter and became Picasso.” – Quotes from Pablo Picasso (Spanish artist and painter. 1881-1973)

Let them become what they want to be, not what they are meant to be.

Receive: Continuous growth shows in the way you get your child to create an environment or conditions to learn new things.

“I never teach my students; I just try to create the conditions in which they can learn.”—Albert Einstein quoted (German-born American physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 . 1879-1955)

They must start as early as possible because they are the basis for learning. A child’s immediate center of learning is their home. Research shows that babies can learn in the womb. The first and best teacher are the parents, especially the mother. The importance of early childhood education cannot be undermined; the founding years, 0-5 in children, the most important years are in child development and in babies, prenatal attachment or fetal nurturing is said to yield excellent results in the later stages of child development. Learning is early childhood education.

Many people in different walks of life think that the earlier we get our youngest children reading, arithmetic, and science, the better suited their brains will be to absorbing more advanced concepts, and some think this is a burden on the child at a young age. The fact is, however, that there is one aspect of early learning that is often neglected but is even more critical to a child’s success: the skills of the right brain—the imaginative, intuitive side of the brain.

Early childhood education is amissing link“in an education that will enable a child to participate effectively in a more organized educational environment, to get along with others, to develop a sense of self and an appreciation of groupthink. It also works on developing the underlying motivators for positive self-development, such as empathy, compassion, consideration, respect, trustworthiness, etc. High-quality early childhood interventions have lasting effects on learning and motivation later in life.

All of these aspects provide the right environment for your child to grow as needed to resist the competitive world. So the decision is yours, act now to make your child a genius and investing in the right early childhood education program will develop your child’s entire brain.

Thanks to Revathi Sankaran | #Early #Childhood #Education #Importance #Learning

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