E-Waste and the Importance of Electronic Recycling

Society can benefit enormously from new cheap electronic devices. This explosive growth in electronics has made e-waste a major issue. E-waste is a growing problem that needs to be tackled effectively. Industry, politics and consumers pay a lot of attention to this topic. There are many consumers who are unaware of the actual process of safely recycling old electronics. Therefore, it is important that they acquire knowledge about the topic.

What is e-waste?

Equipment such as stereos, cell phones, televisions and obsolete computer equipment are known as e-waste, electronic waste and electronic equipment (EOL). You can recycle or refurbish these devices, although large amounts of e-waste still go to landfill. The recycling rate is still very insufficient due to the insufficient knowledge of people about this process.

Why is electronics recycling important?

Abundant source of raw materials

Globally, only 10-15% of the gold in e-waste can be recovered. It is said that precious metal deposits contained in e-waste are estimated to be 40 to 50 times more expensive and richer than the ores on the earth’s surface.

waste management

Electronic solid waste has escalated rapidly due to the combination of short product life cycle and explosive growth in the electronics industry.

Toxic materials

Old electronic devices contain toxic substances such as mercury, lead, chromium and cadmium. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that these electronic items go through proper processing so that these devices do not release toxic gases into the environment. Potentially toxic chemical flame retardants and other heavy metals are also found in these electronic devices.

International movement of hazardous waste

This international movement of e-waste is becoming uncontrollable in some countries. This is due to the availability of cheap labor and old approaches to recycling e-waste. This has resulted in health risks for the local populations of these countries. It has become an issue of great concern as these local residents are constantly exposed to the release of harmful toxic gases into the environment.

How can consumers recycle their old electronics?

Many recycling opportunities have been used by consumers depending on where they live. The best way is to give computer equipment to those who need it and can use or refurbish it. Remove all personal information from devices before donating them. Electronic recycling, authorized electronic equipment recyclers, or corporate take-back programs are among other recycling opportunities. You can also recycle your batteries and cell phones through other recycling programs that are available to help consumers.

Therefore, follow various e-waste recycling programs to carefully and safely recycle or recycle them.

Thanks to Rajesh B Sanghvi | #EWaste #Importance #Electronic #Recycling

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