Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terminology in the World of Learning English

If you have just started teaching TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) classes or are just interested in the basics, you will come across important terms that are usually abbreviated. These terms are essential if you want to communicate with your fellow coaches and teachers. Teaching English as a second language has its own vocabulary, so it’s a good idea to take notes:

  • EFL is the abbreviation for English as a foreign language. This term is often used for students who are not typically native English speakers and who are studying the English language in a non-English speaking country.
  • TEFL means teaching English as a foreign language. Usually this is a term relevant to the teacher teaching the English language in a non-English speaking country.
  • ESL stands for English as a second language. This term is used when a non-native English speaker is learning the English language in an English-speaking country. Immigrants studying English in the United States are commonly referred to as ESL students.
  • ESOL is for English for speakers of other languages. This is a broad term that almost always includes ESL and EFL.
  • TOEFL simply refers to Test of English as a Foreign Language.

Additionally, here are important teacher terms you need to be familiar with:

  • L2 is an abbreviation for “second language”. Usually the term refers to students who speak a second language.
  • Task-Based Learning is a teaching method. In ESL, as a student, you are given open-ended assignments where you are given a problem to solve or a goal to achieve. You are free to fulfill this task according to your own approach.
  • Protected Lessons refers to giving instruction tailored to the needs or characteristics of particular students. For TEFL or ESL teachers, this means providing content-based instruction in Simplified English to non-native English speakers.
  • affective feedback is a teaching method that aims to encourage student participation. This happens when teachers show signs of interest in their students’ learning understanding and understanding. This is usually done in a form of encouragement, using facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language so that the student is more willing to proactively ask questions if they don’t understand the lesson.
  • Student Centered Learning (or learner-centred) is a teaching methodology that places learners in charge. This method leads to activities and methods that focus on the students. Group work is an example of a student-centred activity. Another example is a student inputting what the curriculum will look like.
  • Teacher Centered Learning is the traditional form of study as we know it. Basically, this means that with little input from the students, the teacher decides how the class will be conducted, what the class will learn and what will be tested.

In many ways, the world of English learning has its own “language game”. It goes without saying that English teachers and students need to be familiar with these terminologies as well in order to get the most out of their experience.

Thanks to Jayson Pino Guevarra | #Abbreviations #Acronyms #Terminology #World #Learning #English

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