Why too much training is not good for you

Certainly there is nothing that compares learn too much. Learning never stops and we will never know everything. So isn’t it that the more we learn, the better? Don’t we become better experts in our fields the more courses, training courses, seminars we take? So why isn’t too much training good for you?

learning can be addictive

just like many others. And yes, there are learners in this world. These people sign up for any seminar, class, or training that catches their attention. They are driven by the excitement of the promise that this course/seminar/training will make them better. But they don’t realize that during the change of course, they are shifting focus away from their core competency path. And they’re constantly out of pocket while lining the pockets of course organizers. Professionals in many fields hold courses and seminars because courses and seminars earn well. A venue, equipment, hosting team, and marketing mechanism to run a class can pay for itself millions of times over at once. The higher the number of participants, the higher the profit.

Too much training is not good for you

If you tend to generalize, I’m not saying that attending courses, seminars, and training is bad. I say it works too many is bad – for your pocket and your focus. Too many courses teaching different ways to kill the same cat will dilute your focus and pull you in too many directions. Spread too thinly and you’ll become a jack of all trades, but not a master. And while you’re sitting in all those courses and seminars, you’re not helping your customers and learning valuable lessons in the process.

Another reason too much exercise isn’t good for you is this the brain can only store so much information. If we don’t use it, we lose it. As we constantly learn new ways of doing the same thing, we inevitably lose the knowledge we have because we cannot learn new things and revise old ones at the same time. If we don’t revise the old, we don’t solidify it in our memories and it will go away. So in the end we only have a certain amount in the brain, no matter how many training sessions we go through.

Get the training you need, but not too much

When starting out in any career field, you may be in a dilemma of which path to take. What to specialize and focus on. Full of enthusiasm, you may find yourself lured in by offers of courses, seminars and training and confused as to what to take even before you become addicted to the training… You are doing yourself a great service when you decide – and write – what you want to focus on, to specialize in, what skills you need to learn, and what skills you can use on the horizon of future possibilities. Then choose an apprenticeship that will provide you with the skills essential to your specialization. When you have completed all the training and gained a lot of practical experience with it, you will know better what you still need to learn and what you would like to learn for additional inspiration.

Would you like some advice or an opinion? Let us talk about it.

Thanks to Lucy SC | #training #good


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