Why Converting Lengthy Courses to Micro Modules Is Beneficial in The E-Learning Industry

There’s a popular saying that “great things come in small packages,” and it’s true in the e-learning industry, too. Today’s audience demands targeted learning and is also focused on knowing specific things. And to meet their needs, it’s important to redesign the lengthy online course to engage learners effectively.

Lengthy courses are designed not only for the learners but also for the employees of the organizations and such courses can often make it very difficult for the learners to find the specific content when they are stuck on a specific task at work. This can often be the case with training such as sales and product training where one needs to stay up to date for business success.

Here in this article, we will discuss some reasons why it is time to move from long e-learning courses to micro-learning.

You can easily incorporate rich multimedia formats into Micro Learning

When we talk about microlearning we have different solutions. The small modules in the training material can be easily delivered in rich formats such as videos, PDFs, animations, and e-books that provide an immersive, immersive, and engaging training experience. Microlearning in these different formats is specifically designed to achieve specific learning goals and they can be easily selected based on your learning goals and also the environment in which the learner is comfortable.

Micro-learning modules are often mobile-friendly:

Mobile has become an integral part of our daily lives and with each passing day, learners are accessing web-based information using tablets and smartphones. Large courses cannot be easily accessed from a mobile device, and since the device screen size makes the long courses cumbersome, lengthy, and not easy to read, learners typically prefer to use small modules that provide meaningful content. Micro-learning modules developed with Moodle LMS deliver content in chunks called information nuggets, which are around 3 to 5 minutes long. These modules contain less clutter and can be easily viewed on mobile. Optimizing such small modules gives the best results and also gives learners complete freedom to read them according to their needs.

The Moment of Need support:

On average, learners often turn to their smartphone at some point to learn or do something. And this happens continuously. People who use their smartphones to do something are often looking for quick access to information that will help them solve their problems. Micro-learning modules can easily be used to provide learners with performance support at the moment of need and also within their workflow. Moodle LMS helps create such modules which are ideal to fill the short learning gaps.

Micro-learning courses are easy to develop and update:

Micro-learning modules are often shorter than the traditional course and content can be created quickly, helping to reduce development costs. It often takes weeks to develop large modules, but when it comes to microlearning, specific information is provided and there is less content that is more specific and relevant. When changes are to be made in the course modules, it is easy to update small chunks compared to updating a very large e-learning course.

By converting the lengthy e-learning course into small modules, you can facilitate effective learning, and the best part is that micro-learning resources can be developed in a variety of formats including infographics, videos, animations, and more. This also gives learners the flexibility they need while learning on their preferred device, any time of the day.

Thanks to Om Namdev | #Converting #Lengthy #Courses #Micro #Modules #Beneficial #ELearning #Industry

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