Discovering Your Local Area Network

In the late 1960s, as large college universities and several research labs began to acquire more computers, the need for connections that operated at high speeds was great, and the pressure was great. It wasn’t until the mid-1970s that an answer to the demand was created, they called it LAN. LAN stands for Local-Area Network, … Read more

The Love, Training, Obedience and Care of Your Golden Retriever

With its intelligence and eagerness to please, the Golden Retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the United States, according to AKC registry statistics. The working ability that has made the Golden Retriever such a useful hunting companion also makes it an ideal guide, assistance, and search and rescue dog. The golden coat … Read more

Spanning Tree Primer

Spanning Tree Primer

What is spanning tree, what is the purpose of this protocol, where does it work? These questions are easy to answer. Spanning Tree is a Layer 2 Ethernet loop prevention protocol that works on Ethernet switches, that’s it, nothing else. That’s all spanning-tree does. Why do we need this protocol? Imagine a network with two … Read more

The best fixed gear bikes in the world

The best fixed gear bikes are becoming increasingly popular with cycling groups. Bike couriers popularized these types of bikes and in many parts of the world this has resulted in a cult following developing. Fixed wheel bikes, also known as fixies, have become a popular choice among cycling enthusiasts. Not only are these bikes cheaper … Read more

YEP – Young Entrepreneurship Program

Aiming to inspire a better life and foster entrepreneurial success, the HDI Network Philippines began extending its aspirations to the younger generations through the Young Entrepreneurship Program or YEP. In the YEP (Young Entrepreneurship Program) young people begin to see entrepreneurship as a viable career. They will be empowered to run their own business and … Read more

Forex Trading – What’s So Attractive About Forex Trading?

One of the attractions for potential clients is the leverage that the forex market offers. The leverages offered vary between 100:1 and 500:1 depending on the broker and thus offer investors the opportunity to make enormous profits with small deposits. With the benefits comes the risk. Even high-stakes positions can lead to margin calls when … Read more