Is Online Learning More Effective Than Face to Face Learning?

Online learning is fast becoming the number one choice for students. According to the US Department of Education, digital learning in public schools will triple in the next three years. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of students who prefer to go online rather than enroll in regular classroom … Read more

Strategies to Make Mobile Learning More Effective

Mobile learning has become an essential part of corporate training, and by consistently using these impressive mobile learning strategies, you can increase the impact of training. These strategies will also help you make a positive impact on your ROI. Here are the top 4 strategies to make mobile learning more effective: Microlearning for better recall … Read more

Effective Conversation Starters and Relationship Builders for Sales

Most salespeople struggle with what to talk about before their “sales pitch.” Small talk tends to be very difficult for people to make, especially when you’re trying to develop a genuine rapport with your prospect. To build that relationship, we want to add value to that person in every way we can. We want them … Read more