Tag: e learning universities

  • Creating a targeted prospecting strategy

    Creating a targeted prospecting strategy

    Creating a targeted prospecting strategy is the number one prospecting problem faced by salespeople from Richardson Co.’s most recent 2017 survey. The survey was divided into 6 categories; Prospecting, Negotiating, Closing, Buyers Decisions, Productivity and Team Selling and I commend them for their research and efforts. In the next few articles, I will share with…

  • The traditional way of doing business

    The traditional way of doing business

    The traditional way of doing business has been distorted by technological advances. Various social networking sites have popped up as the internet gains a wider following. Business owners have decided to choose email as the best way to communicate with their business partners, which means those who had jobs in this category have become unemployed.…

  • “Will Samuel”

    “Will Samuel”

    ‘Will’ “From Philly’s Finest” Philadelphia, “E Pluribus Unum”, – “Out of the Many, One!” Unlike in other cities, life for many people was more social, despite massive gentrification, politicization, politicized racial polarization, anarchy, crime, capitalization, gun pollution, gun addiction, drug addiction disease, hunger and homelessness well, incarceration, drug kingpins and gangs, police brutality and corruption,…

  • Cost Accounting: The Missing Component of Supply Chain Management

    Cost Accounting: The Missing Component of Supply Chain Management

    One of the first questions I ask our Inventory Management students is, “Do you know your operating costs?” and our Production Planning Management students, “Do you know the cost of manufacturing one of your items?” After five years of training, I can count on one hand how many students were able to answer these questions,…

  • How technology has made our lives easier

    How technology has made our lives easier

    Technology meaning: Technology has made tremendous advances over the years. It has helped us in many ways. There is nothing in our daily life that can be done without the use of technology. It is simply impossible to avoid the effects of technology, be they positive or negative. Technology has proven that we cannot ignore…

  • How to set up a computer training center for students of higher institutions

    How to set up a computer training center for students of higher institutions

    INTRODUCTION The use of computers as part of information technology has become an important tool used in supporting life’s challenges in our daily activities at home, school or office. Some people today are limited to the basic values ​​and the vast possibilities of information technology available to them, but are only interested in using the…

  • The benefits of short professional training courses in London

    The benefits of short professional training courses in London

    As the capital of the United Kingdom, London is one of the top work destinations for people all over the world and thus also one of the top global hotspots for professional development. With many red brick institutions such as UCL and many private training establishments, a whole range of subjects are covered by the…

  • How to Read Your Way to Better English or Foreign Language Skills

    How to Read Your Way to Better English or Foreign Language Skills

    First stop, the local library So we’re improving our English or learning a foreign language, right? Then our first stop is the library. You need to find a decent grammar book in the target language and a selection of relatively short reading material in the target language. Both resources can be readily available at the…

  • The importance of e-books

    The importance of e-books

    E-books are virtual books used to display information on any subject on the digital medium. This has made it easier for Internet users to publish any kind of information. It is easy to create these electronic books on the Internet. This format is accessible and portable across multiple platforms. Computer users can access these digital…

  • Top 8 School Management Software in India

    Top 8 School Management Software in India

    In order to survive in a continuously growing and challenging era of the education sector, it has become mandatory for all educational institutions to implement an educational ERP. The school administration software is a must in the changing times. It takes care of all campus activities related to the students. It not only makes things…