Get cheap college textbooks

With the economic crisis and credit crunch looming practically overhead, it has become much more popular for students to buy cheap textbooks. The decline in buying brand new books from well-known bookstores was due to the fact that it allows students to save a lot of money and use it for other expenses. The cost … Read more

The next ten investment bubbles

MarketWatch recently published an article called The next 10 investment bubbles by Wallace Witkowski, and I thought this would be a nice follow-up to last week’s commentary on the Two-Term Presidential Curse, in which two terms of presidencies ended in bubbles and broke seem to end. Bubble #1: US Equities: The US bull market is … Read more

How to Find Affordable College Textbooks

How to Find Affordable College Textbooks

The usually steep prices of college textbooks leave most students and their parents stressed out at the beginning of the semester. Today, an average textbook costs around $100, with specialized and more technical references commanding several hundred dollars in tag prices. However, the “sticker shock” is something that may seem inevitable but is in fact … Read more