Student-Oriented Teaching Method

What is a student-centred teaching method? By definition and proper sense, it can be defined as the practice that requires students to take a great deal of responsibility for asking questions, applying understanding, and giving meaning to what they have been taught and learned. It focuses on students’ exploration, evaluation, problem solving, and processing of information.

The following points are the benefits of student-oriented teaching in the field of education:

It maximizes student engagement through immersion in personal reflection and activities.

It addresses specific needs and discrepancies in knowledge.

It uses methods that suit the learning style of the students

It strives to maintain the relevance of course content.

This method of oriented teaching results in students being involved in paired or small group discussions in which they must extract key ideas from the reading, formulate research projects, and evaluate the accuracy and sprite of a report. To design a product, interpret numerical data, talk about tables, graphs, and charts, students have the freedom to demonstrate their skills on any subject with complete freedom, using class time to perform and present the original work of music, drama, cinema, fashion design, painting, carving, drawing, graphics and other creative work of students in this field and allow time for formal critiques.

In addition, the student-centred teaching method involves students in implementation, planning, and evaluation. Teachers need to feel comfortable changing their leadership style from directive to advisory.

The following points are the ways in which the students can fully orient themselves through the lessons:

Students should be able to participate in decision-making: It is very important that all teachers place students at the center of their own collaborative learning. They should understand the importance of the topic, vocabulary and skills by making an effort.

You should get the ability to lead. Students should be given the opportunity to take on activities themselves, even though they may not have all the substantive skills. They are known as education-conscious consumers. In schools, students learn math, science, English, history and other subjects.

Three characteristics of learner-centred teaching

1. It keeps the student busy with the hard, messy work of learning: This allows the teacher to do many learning tasks for the students. They ask the question, call out the students, and even provide details of their answers. The review and preview is done here.

2. It includes explicit skill instructions. Here learners learn to think, solve complications, evaluate proposals, analyze disputes and develop theories. It is not assumed that students will acquire all skills on their own

3. It helps students to think about their learning: Students are encouraged to take responsibility for decisions they make about learning. Students’ assumptions are challenged, how they study for exams, give readings, attribution mechanisms in which students reflect, evaluate and critique what they learn and how they learn it.

In summary, teachers need to convey something to students with professor lectures, but taught in a simple, understandable and communicative way for effective understanding.

Thanks to Martin Hahn

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