Shedding new light on the shadowy land of the universe

We live in a mysterious universe – most of it we cannot see. What is it made of and has its composition changed over time? The starlit galaxies, galaxy clusters, and superclusters are all embedded in invisible halos made of transparent material that scientists refer to as the galaxy clusters “Dark matter.” This mysterious substance creates an enormous, invisible structure everywhere in space and time – a fabulous, fantastical tapestry woven from heavy threads composed of this “dark” fabric, believed to be of unidentified and exotic non -atomic particles. In March 2020, a team of scientists announced they had identified a subatomic particle that could have formed the Dark matter in the universe during its Big Bang birth.

Scientists believe that up to 80% of the universe could be affected Dark matter, but despite years of investigation, its origin has remained a mystery. Although it cannot be observed directly, most astronomers believe this ghostly form of matter really exists there because it gravitationally dances with forms of matter that can be observed – like stars and planets. This invisible material consists of exotic particles that do not emit, absorb or reflect light.

A team of nuclear physicists from the University of York (UK) is now proposing a new particle candidate for this ghostly material – a particle they recently discovered and thought to be d star hexaquark.

That d star hexaquark consists of six cottage cheese–the fundamental particles that normally combine in trios to form the protons and neutrons of the nucleus.

Raise A Quark for Muster Mark

Irish writer James Joyce (1882-1941) had a drunken character Finnegans Wake up a liter of dark beer to toast a man named Finnegan who just passed away. He mistakenly said, “raise a Quark for muster Mark”. The American physicist and Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann (1929-2019), who was one of the scientists to prove the existence of the Quark found it so funny in 1964 that he named this subparticle after the drunk host. Russian-American physicist George Zweig also independently proposed the existence of the Quark the same year.

A Quark is a type of elementary particle that is a fundamental part of matter. cottage cheese combine to create compound particles named hadrons. hadrons are subatomic particles of a type that contains protons and neutrons, who can participate strong Interaction that holds atomic nuclei together. In fact the most stable hadrons are protons and neutrons–the components that make up the atomic nuclei. Because of a phenomenon called color constraint, cottage cheese were not observed directly or found in isolation. Because of this, they were only found inside hadrons. Because of this, scientists have learned a lot about it cottage cheese came out of the study hadrons.

cottage cheese also exhibit certain intrinsic properties, including mass, color, electric charge, and spin. They are the only known elementary particles in the Standard Model of Particle Physics to display all four basic interactions – also denoted as basic powers–the strong interaction that weak Interaction, gravityand electromagnetism. cottage cheese are also the only known elementary particles whose electrical charge is not an integer multiple of the elementary charge.

The kinds of cottage cheese are referred to as flavors: above, below, strange, charm, below, and above. The heavier cottage cheese quickly experience a metamorphosis high and down quarks as a result of an invoked process particle decay. particle decay refers to the conversion from a higher mass state to lower mass states. That’s why, high and down quarks are stable, as well as the most common in the universe. In contrast, strange, charm, below, and above cottage cheese can only occur in high-energy collisions – such as those with cosmic rays or particle accelerators. For each curd taste there is a corresponding one antiquarian That antiquark antiparticle differs from the Quark only in certain properties, such as electric charge. That antiquark antiparticle have the same magnitude but opposite sign.

There was little evidence of the physical existence of cottage cheese until deep inelastic scattering experiments were carried out on the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in 1968. Accelerator experiments have provided evidence for the existence of all six flavors. That top curdobserved for the first time at Fermilab It was last discovered in 1995.

The shadow land of the universe

It is often said that most of our universe is “missing”, mainly because it is made up of an unidentified substance called as dark energy. The mysterious dark energy causes the universe to accelerate in its expansion and is believed to be a property of space itself.

The latest measurements show that the Universe is about 70% full dark energy and 25% Dark matter. Currently, both the origin and nature of the mysterious Dark matter and dark energy are unknown. A considerably smaller part of our universe consists of so-called “ordinary” atomic matter. “Ordinary” atomic matter—which is truly extraordinary—is comparatively scarce. Nonetheless, it is the material that makes up all the elements listed in the familiar periodic table. Despite being the tiny “dwarf” of the cosmic litter of three, “ordinary” atomic matter is what makes up stars, planets, moons, and humans – everything with which people on Earth are most familiar. It is also the precious form of matter that allows life to arise and evolve in the universe.

On the largest scales, the universe looks the same wherever it is observed. It shows a bubbly, frothy appearance with extremely massive and huge filaments composed of Dark matter Intertwine around each other, forming a web-like structure called as cosmic web. The ghostly, transparent threads of the big ones cosmic web are traced by myriad galaxies blazing with the fires of brilliant starlight, outlining the vast, intertwined braids of Dark matter containing the galaxies of the visible universe. Huge, cavernous, and dark nearly empty voids interrupt this web-like pattern. That voids harbor only a few galaxies, and that is why they appear to be completely empty. In dramatic contrast are the massive, starry filaments of the cosmic web weave themselves around these almost empty ones voidscreating a fabulous intricate braided knot.

Some cosmologists have suggested that the entire large-scale structure of the universe is really made up of just one filament and one Empty twisted together in an intricate and complex tangle.

Enter the d star hexaquark

That d star hexaquark consists of six cottage cheese. These elementary particles normally combine into trios to form the protons and neutrons of the nucleus. Most important are the six quarks in a d star hexaquark create a boson particles. This indicates that with a large number of d-star hexaquarks are present, which can dance together and connect with the protons and neutrons in very different ways. A boson is a particle that carries energy. For example, photons are bosons.

The team of scientists from the University of York suspects that under the conditions that prevailed shortly after the Big Bang, a large number of d-star hexaquarks could have met and then merged as the universe cooled from its original extremely hot state and then expanded to give rise to a fifth state of matter—known as a Bose-Einstein condensate.

A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter in which separate atoms or subatomic particles, cooled to near absolute zero, coalesce on a near-macroscopic scale into a single quantum entity that can be described by a wave function.

dr Mikhail Bashkanov and Dr. Daniel Watts from the Department of Physics at the University of York published the first assessment of the feasibility of this new one Dark matter Candidate.

dr Watts noted on March 3, 2020 University of York press release that “The origin of Dark matter in the universe is one of the biggest questions in science and one that has left a gap.”

“Our first calculations indicate that condensation of d stars are a possible new candidate for Dark matter and this new possibility seems worthy of further, more detailed investigation,” he added.

“The result is particularly exciting because it does not require any new physical concepts,” says Dr. Watts on.

co-author, dr. Bashkanov explained in the same University of York press release that “the next step to establish this new Dark matter Candidate will be to gain a better understanding of how the d stars interact – when do they attract and when do they repel? We teach how to create new measurements d stars in a nucleus and see if their properties are different than in free space.”

The scientists now plan to work with researchers in Germany and the United States to test their new theory.Dark matter and hunt D star hexaquarks in the universe.

Thanks to Judith E Braffman-Miller | #Shedding #light #shadowy #land #universe

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