Learning To Speak Spanish Online With The Net’s Most Popular Programs

As a native Spanish teacher, I will talk about learning Spanish online using the most popular programs on the Internet. I will review 3 programs. Much of this article is based on my personal experience. But it is also based on my students’ personal experiences and the Spanish Learning Newsletter.

1. Learn Spanish Like Crazy (LSLC)

Learn Spanish Like Crazy is my favorite audio course for learning how to speak everyday Latin American Spanish as opposed to tourist Spanish. I have recommended this course to many of my personal students who have asked me to recommend a course designed to teach familiar or conversational Spanish. From what my students and subscribers have told me, the owners of LSLC offer some of the best customer support on the web.

2. Verbarrator

Although undoubtedly the best software to learn how to conjugate Spanish verbs, this software is underestimated as a tool to improve Spanish pronunciation. Based on my observations of my own students and how they have improved their ability to conjugate verbs, and based on what my learn Spanish newsletter subscribers have told me, this is the easiest and most fun way to learn Spanish verbs.

3. Synergy Spanish

This is another very popular course. Synergy is extremely helpful for students who have no experience learning Spanish or any other foreign language. Synergy will help the beginner quickly add Spanish words and phrases to his or her vocabulary. To my knowledge, this course is only available online. From what my students and subscribers have told me, the course owner Marcus provides excellent customer support.

Thanks to Anna Rivera | #Learning #Speak #Spanish #Online #Nets #Popular #Programs

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