Label or not label? Advantages and disadvantages of educational diagnoses


1. Diagnostic tests can reveal learning gaps

2. Getting a diagnosis/label can qualify a person for help in school and tutoring services at some colleges.

3. A label can make it easier to explain atypical behavior or performance.

Not to write:

1. While diagnostic testing can create learning gaps (e.g., the person cannot add two digits to form two digits, that person does not understand cause and effect while reading), it often limits expectations to what a person can do with that term usually can .

2. Before receiving a label, one should find out what kind of services are offered and how this affects the individual’s learning. In school, the emphasis is usually on fitting in so that the individual can fit into the mainstream.

3. A diagnosis is often of little help in solving the problems. Recommendations are often very limited.

While a diagnosis that affects learning often has a health component as part of the underlying cause, we should be sure that when treating this health issue we are looking for the underlying cause or causes. As an example, remember that ADHD is not a deficiency of a drug like Ritalin. These types of medications don’t reach the underlying cause of typical ADHD behaviors. They can control the symptoms, but they don’t address the underlying causes.

Before making a decision, rather than just taking precautions, explore alternatives that are capable of resolving the underlying causes of the difficulties. Since the 1930s there has been an alternative to the mainstream, the developmental neurological approach. This approach uses a development profile and looks for missing parts in the development. These gaps alert the neurodevelopmental researcher that specific brain stimulation is required to encourage development. When this occurs, the reason why a label might have been assigned goes away.

The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential (Dr. Temple Faye, Glenn Doman, Dr. Robert Doman and Carl Delacato, PhD) are considered to be the founders of this approach. There are a number of organizations that have developed from the ideas and experiences of the institutes. In general, parents are taught how to do short, frequent activities to stimulate needed areas in the brain. Occasionally you will find organizations with programs that offer these services to parents. Other organizations may offer a combination of center and home activities. Families should decide which of these options best suits their needs and circumstances.

All of these programs fully embrace the concept of neuroplasticity that has become mainstream accepted in recent years. Neuroplasticity recognizes that the brain is much more flexible in its ability to learn throughout life than previously thought. The key to the success of these programs lies in determining the underlying cause and continuing to stimulate the brain in a specific way.

Thanks to Maggie Dail | #Label #label #Advantages #disadvantages #educational #diagnoses

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