Kids Online French – How kids can easily learn French online

French is a beautiful language and is traditionally learned by children in school in many English-speaking countries. French is one of the more difficult foreign languages ​​for adults or children, but with certain techniques children can find it a little easier to learn.

The following example shows an easy way to memorize French words. This is called the link word technique, a type of memorization method that can be used to learn any new language. The benefit of the link-word technique is how French words are linked to an English word by using matching sounds between the words.

As you read the following example, try to imagine that you are standing exactly where the example is taking place. Remember the capitalized keywords and try to remember the details. Think about it several times and let it sink in until you can recall it without reading.

English word = chicken

French word = le poulet

Imagine a CHICKEN telling a giant PULLEY how it wants to be lifted into the air.

It’s a silly scenario, of course, but it causes your mind to permanently remember the words. It doesn’t even have to be exact. Concentrate on the sounds made when pronouncing the French words, as this is the key to the linking technique.

This is just one technique that can be used Teach children French and can help children learn the beautiful French language with relative ease.

Thanks to Damian Jackson | #Kids #Online #French #kids #easily #learn #French #online


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