FTP How to – A Step-By-Step Guide For FTP Setup

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol – it is the method by which files are transferred over the Internet. If you’ve ever downloaded MP3 files or games, you’ve already used it. However, in this article I will explain FTP: how to upload and download files.

FTP How To: What you need before you start
Before you begin the FTP setup, you need the IP address of the computer or server you are connecting to. This is usually four numbers separated by periods. You will also need the names of the files you want to transfer and a username and password for the remote computer. If you transfer files from a publicly accessible location, the username “anonymous” and your e-mail address are accepted as the password. Otherwise, you’ll need to make sure you have a username and password for every other remote location to complete your FTP setup.

FTP Instructions: Installing Windows FTP
An FTP program, a so-called FTP client, should already be installed on your computer. Two free Windows FTP programs are available for Microsoft Windows. WS_FTP – Do a google search for WS_FTP lite and you will find a free download for it. Run the program and click Yes to install it. In the questions, select all “academic use” settings, then accept the remaining default settings except “overwrite your INI file” – say “no”. In the WS_FTP window, right-click and hold and drag the WS_FTP95 LE icon to your desktop. Create a shortcut and name it WS_FTP.

FTP Instructions: Installing FileZilla
The second free windowing FTP program is FileZilla. Search for the FileZilla website and download the program. Agree to the license, select “Full setup” and select the default save location. Skip downloading the source code and click Install.

FTP Instructions: Connect
To set up a new profile, click New. Choose a profile name and enter it in the Profile Name field, enter the hostname and your user ID. Leave the Host Type setting at the default “Autodetect” and leave the Password and Account fields blank, then click Apply. Next, click on the “Startup” tab and in the top field type the name of the relevant folder on the server you are connecting to – in most cases it will simply be “web”. In the “Initial Local Folder” field, enter the name of the folder on your computer where the files to be transferred are stored. Leave the other fields blank and click Apply. When you are ready to connect, click OK. You will be asked for the password, enter it and click Ok. If the username and password are correct, you should now be connected.

FTP Instructions: Transfer Files
Once successfully connected you will see a box divided into two windows. On the left is your own computer and on the right is the remote server you connected to. To transfer (upload) files from your computer to the remote server, just select them and then click the arrow between the windows pointing to the right. To transfer (download) files from the remote server to your computer, select the files and click the other arrow. Double-clicking files also transfers them. When you’re done, click Exit. That concludes your FTP How To lesson! 🙂 It’s a good idea to always have backup copies of your files – make sure you back up regularly.

Thanks to Chris T Harris | #FTP #StepByStep #Guide #FTP #Setup

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