Advantages and disadvantages of digital electronics

Digital electronics are systems that use a digital signal instead of an analog signal. Digital Electronic circuits are those that work with digital signals. These are discrete signals sampled from the analog signal. Digital circuits use binary notation to transmit the signal. A digital circuit is made up of small electronic circuits called logic gates that are used to create combinational logic. Each logic gate is designed to perform a Boolean logic function when operated on logic signals. We seek to open eyes to the advantages and disadvantages of digital electronics in this article.

Why computer engineers need to know about digital system electronics

Computer science and engineering have several branches of electrical engineering and need to form computer hardware and software. Computer engineers are trained in electrical engineering, software design, and hardware-software integration rather than just software engineering or electrical engineering. From the design of individual microcontrollers, microprocessors, personal computers, and supercomputers to circuit design, computer engineers are involved in many hardware and software aspects of computing.

Digital electronics use VLSI technology, which has greatly reduced the size and area of ​​circuit boards and improved the accuracy and performance of systems. Digital systems usually have the advantage of data encryption for communication purposes. Data transmission is safe and secure. All these factors clearly show that the digital electronic stream has a great future in modern times.

Advantages of digital electronics

Digital electronic circuits are relatively easy to design.

It has higher precision rate in terms of accuracy.

Transmitted signals are not lost over long distances.

Digital signals can be stored easily.

Digital electronics are more immune to “error” and “noise” than analog ones. But in the case of high-speed designs, a little noise can cause an error in the signal.

The voltage at any point in a digital circuit can be either high or low; therefore there is less risk of confusion.

Digital circuits have the flexibility to change the functionality of digital circuits by making changes in software rather than changing the actual circuit.

Disadvantages of digital electronics

The real world is analog in nature, all quantities like light, temperature, sound, etc. Digital systems have to convert a continuous signal to a discrete one, which introduces small quantization errors. In order to reduce quantization errors, a large amount of data must be stored in Digital Circuit.

Digital circuits only work with digital signals, so the process requires encoders and decoders. This increases the cost of the equipment.

Thanks to Jaspreet Singh Dutt | #Digital #electronics #advantages #disadvantages

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