Adding An Online Quiz Maker To Your Coaching Business – Recipe To Success

In the last ten years, the coaching business has boomed. According to Crisil Research’s report, the tutorial business experienced a market growth of almost 75,629 crore in 2014-15, which increased remarkably from 40,187 crore in 2010-11.

In 2015, a study was conducted by Global Industry Analysts stating that the global private tutoring market is expected to exceed $102.8 billion by 2018. If we further examine the GIA numbers, then India leads the way in online tutoring offering a diverse range of professional and academic courses at affordable costs.

Other followers of this league include the United States, Europe and Asia-Pacific (particularly Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and China), which account for more than 90% of the global private tuition market.

According to a survey conducted by ASSOCHAM’s, nearly 87% of elementary school children and up to 95% of upper secondary school children attend private coaching classes.

With such escalating numbers of the coaching market, we can very well infer the productivity of this business and to make it fit well for the market, an online exam builder is undoubtedly a supporting tool. Long gone are the days when coaching institutes followed the rudimentary pattern of conducting paper-based tests. Now candidates prefer to enroll in coaching institutes that can offer them the latest practices.

So here we give you a glimpse of the benefits of using an online quiz maker, which is a key to growing your coaching business; Read on to learn how.

Parent Satisfaction – Effective way to maintain your progressive student count

Various functions of the online exam software make it a practical tool for coaching institutes. Parents who enroll their children in coaching pay high fees in exchange for regular updates on their child’s progress. With an easy-to-perform online test, administrators have the opportunity to share the calculated result with parents immediately and regularly. Preparing for an online exam is neither time-consuming nor involves extensive logistics, so you can easily develop test suites to keep a regular record of your students.

Gain reputation in the market

It’s easy to find a coaching institute down almost any alley these days that promises 100 percent results, but it’s all just in words. The online exam platform offers a hands-on approach to showing parents what you have in store for their child. Parents prefer coaching business centers that can demonstrate practically how they can help students achieve their goal. As a result, your coaching center will gain reputation and awareness on the market.


When a candidate achieves a high score, their performance is directly proportional to the institute’s repo.

An online exam platform consists of various preparatory exam attributes that prepare a candidate in advance to perform well in the competitive exams. Constantly grappling with the structure of competitive exams with the preference of taking online tests in the same format can reduce the nervousness factor among students and in return procure maximum passable candidates. This is how the coaching center gets the label of being result-oriented.

Sell ​​and earn

Select online exam platforms have a feature where you have the opportunity to sell your test set to those candidates who find it relevant and ready to buy. You can create your very own question paper that is meaningful and can grab buyers’ attention. This way you make a profit by publishing it on the market. So, be wise while choosing an online exam software and remember that this feature can bring you extra profit.


If we examine the recent survey conducted by ASSOCHAM, then coaching centers that provide admission to IITs and other engineering schools coin a whopping sum of 10,000 crore each year and make up a large portion of the coaching industry in terms of coinage. To enter this race one has to improve the teaching techniques through the application of an online quiz maker which is a huge platform and offers the admins endless possibilities to use it as a magic wand to get the desired result for their candidates. Coaching centers that still run according to the old model have lost their charm and are outdated today. So rather get upgraded to modern technologies and stand out from the group by being an achiever.

#Adding #Online #Quiz #Maker #Coaching #Business #Recipe #Success

Thanks to Janetta Ainslee

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