Education: The basis of everything

Since learning is the basis of knowledge, education is the structure from which knowledge flows.

Gathering information is like a murmur connection. What do you do with them when you have them? The byproducts of education—awareness of different concepts, appreciation of ideas, understanding of different philosophies—are all powerful foundations for growth and change.

Intelligence contains within itself the ability to listen and reason, the knowledge to act rationally, and the power to create. From education comes wisdom, and from that wisdom solutions are born that propel us forward, whether it’s constructing a building or developing an idea.

With knowledge comes responsibility

True knowledge is fearless, strong in the absence of doubt and reinforced by pillars of information. Cultivating them simply requires an open mind and a desire to learn. Channeling knowledge into meaningful expression is always the challenge.

As William S. Burroughs, American writer and artist, once said: “The goal of education is knowledge, not of facts, but of values.”

Every physical structure, every scientific achievement, every philosophical advance, all have one thing in common; They were brought into existence by informed opinion based on knowledge. The evolutionary path of civilization would have been dramatically different if experiments and new ideas had been based on “guessing” or “gut feelings” rather than analytical observation.

Scientific facts shape our future

A great example of education-based evolution is Darwin’s well known evolution theory. It is one of the most well-founded theories in the history of science. It is hard to imagine such a groundbreaking and historic hypothesis being advanced without the benefit of sound analysis by knowledgeable professionals.

At the beginning of his research, Darwin was much more an observer than a geneticist. He was able to document the pattern of evolution, but did not have the scientific training to understand and then translate his observations. Without the corroborating knowledge to support his theory, it would have proved difficult to answer the inherent questions of “how” or “why” it happened.

Evidence from various scientific disciplines, including paleontology, developmental biology, geology, and genetics, allowed scientists to bring Darwin’s stream of “theoretical consciousness” into the mainstream discussion. Questions were asked and explanations given. One can easily imagine that in the absence of fact-based science, Darwin’s groundbreaking theory will never become more than a coffee table conversation.

Where learning leads…wisdom follows

The dictionary defines “foundation” as the base or foundation of everything. Education is defined as the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge (connected with) the development of thinking and judgment skills. Together they form the foundation of learning-based understanding… the way to wisdom.

Wisdom is the great enabler. Everything is possible with this. Without them nothing is achievable. Wisdom created the pyramids and pushed us into space. It taught us to fly and return to Earth safely. Wisdom is the evolution of education and architect of our reality.

Just as a child learns and develops a basis for life, learning also produces the knowledge needed to explore the basis of the universe. Step by step, lesson by lesson, by studying the various aspects of life in all its natural and man-made glory, one builds a knowledge base impervious to self-doubt and distraction.

The infrastructure of human existence will forever depend on the strength and wisdom forged from our educational structure.

Thanks to Gary G Sweet | #Education #basis


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