2 main factors influence learning outcomes

It is well known that the quality of our education around the world has been very low for many reasons that are never considered by our world education experts, including Indonesia, one of the largest countries in the world, whose schools and universities outnumber other countries in the world, but their quality has not improved.

From my observations, interviews, teaching and lecturing in schools, colleges and universities in Indonesia, I believe there are many factors that need to be considered by our global educators in order to improve the quality of our education. There are at least 3 factors that influence the success or failure of our training: internal, external and instrumental factors. I believe that if we pay special attention to these three factors, the quality of our education will be better in terms of the quality of our education.

The first factor is the internal factor, which relates to the learners who are learning. It includes (a) their individual interest in learning, (b) the learner’s innate motivation to learn, learning with other learners who have the same interest. This motivation to learn is also influenced by several factors, namely, learners’ ability to learn, conditions, environmental conditions, dynamic elements in learning and their teachers’ efforts to teach the learners, in addition to other circumstances such as the learners’ physical condition and their psychological condition, their attention, attitude and study habits, hardship to learn, social and economic attitudes, and cognitive abilities.

The second factor is called the external factor, which cannot be separated from the first factor, which guarantees learning success. This factor includes the social environment in which the learners, stakeholders, I mean the schools or universities, and the teachers and lecturers are, and these are present with the learners. The presence of other people at the time of learning should often be consistent with the purposes of the learners’ activities that they should not interfere or hinder them in their learning, in other words, the presence of people around the learners should support their learning experiences and activities as well as that Environment such as classmates, classmates from the same and different classes, school administration/management, their teachers and other school staff and school leaders have a major impact on the learning process to take learning outcomes into account. Another important thing that is also related to learning success is the curriculum, the course structure and the infrastructure available as means or media of learning and the teachers as shapers of learning and which are certainly guaranteed for learning outcomes that are device or assisted ready-to-hand tools that need to be designed to meet the needs of the learning activities.

In summary, these are the two very important factors responsible for learning success that we as global educators and education stakeholders should pay attention to in order to guarantee success in our global education.

Thanks to Saut Halomoan | #main #factors #influence #learning #outcomes

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