Power golf swing requires more accuracy than a weak one

Many golfers come to me to increase the power of their golf swings because that’s what I do. They are usually surprised to find that I start their training with the basics by starting with the short wild shots and using the sand wedge.

In order to have an extremely powerful golf swing, it is imperative to have a swing that is fundamentally sound. All the levers in the body that control the clubface and the direction of movement of the clubheads must be trained to control the club at slow speed. This is so that when we swing very hard, all of the controlling factors have been programmed into our swing and practiced to perfection.

Because the release moves I teach generally contradict the release most players have learned, I find that learning to use the component parts while practicing the short shots creates total control as we play the fuller and harder swings carry out. It’s also much easier to learn these movements when done slowly and with great precision.

To better understand this notion of how one would learn a complex piano piece, the pattern would be learned first and later as the pattern was fully installed in the memory bank and as simple as signing your name it would be possible at top speed.

Study my ezine article for publishing Down Under and Up to better understand why this needs to be programmed into your swing and your old habits to be broken.

Thanks to Dan Shauger | #Power #golf #swing #requires #accuracy #weak


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