Tag: Business

  • Web Design – Online Business Solution

    Web Design – Online Business Solution

    When you start an online business or have a business venture that you want to promote, it has become mandatory to create your own website and promote your business venture all over the world. Hosting your website on the Internet has become the latest business mantra for large and small businesses around the world. Because…

  • If Blogging is a Business, Then Blog Your Way to Profit!

    If Blogging is a Business, Then Blog Your Way to Profit!

    I recently read a report that there are 500,000 people in the United States who claim to be professional bloggers and blog for a living. I also came across many articles stating blogging is a hobby. Is blogging a business or a hobby? The answer is both. Blogging is both a hobby and a business,…

  • Top 5 Mistakes That Kill a Business Letter

    Top 5 Mistakes That Kill a Business Letter

    Begin the letter by writing: “Regarding your letter of – – – -“. did you just hear someone snoring? Yes, that’s probably the guy reading this letter. Yawning. Why start the letter so boring? How about “Thank you for writing to us” and then continue the letter. We’re so used to starting the letter with…

  • Business Case Study Methodology – The PAR Formula

    Business Case Study Methodology – The PAR Formula

    In the age of online business in the form of presentations, videos, webinars and e-courses, case studies have become a powerful marketing tool. An effective yet simple way to develop case studies is known as the PAR formula. What is the PAR formula? It is case method theory that is taught at Harvard and other…

  • Enhance Your Business Profits Through E Learning Solutions

    Enhance Your Business Profits Through E Learning Solutions

    With the invention of new systems and the advancement in the current systems, a frequent change in the world is noticed. Technologies are popular for breaking barriers and setting new standards, useful both in the corporate world and in various institutions to beat their competitors. With the development of e-learning, not only the academic institutions…