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linkedin learning

24 websites to manage, promote and market your self-publishing business

Here’s a list of websites you need to know about when starting out as a self-publisher. Most of the websites listed are considered to be the biggest names in the industry. They are listed in random order: 1. They manage the affiliate programs for many websites. These sites, including, require an account with …

An open letter to my sales manager

Dear sales manager, How many times have I heard you say that you want me to reach my full potential, exceed my quota, become a superstar. You might not believe it, but nothing would make me happier. Since we have similar goals, I would like to write down some ways you can help me. Give …

Social networks – just do it

“An investment in knowledge brings the best interest.” Ben Franklin Website…Check Blog…Check Facebook…LinkedIn…Check Twitter…Check Now What? The new wave of networking When I started my company I knew we had to be a part of the social network. The challenge was that there was a lack of an idea of ​​how to use them effectively. …

Seven rules for using LinkedIn as a sales generating tool

LinkedIn is a valuable social network geared towards making professional connections. It’s a goldmine of opportunities for any salesperson willing to take the time to understand and apply it properly. The list below contains seven rules that everyone in sales should keep in mind when using LinkedIn as a customer acquisition tool. 1. Make sure …

The importance of networking for your small business

“Networking is the most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success for any individual or organization!” This is Adam Small’s passionate belief that led him to found Strategic Business Network, LLC in 2004 with a mission to “empower professionals and organizations to create meaningful and relevant relationships that fuel their success.” He is by …

Beginner’s Guide – Pros and Cons of Social Media

We are all beginners at some point. For the beginners, the biggest challenge is knowing the ins and outs of social media. Today we are going to talk about social media – pros and cons. Many small business owners have yet to use social media to grow their business. It has become so important for …