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distance learning pros

10 advantages of driving a car

If you don’t have a driver’s license, you could be missing out on a number of benefits. Here are 10 reasons why your New Year’s resolution should learn to drive. 1. Driving might give you a first taste of independence, especially if you live at home with your parents. 2. If you have children, a …

The Whole Marvelous Super Ultra Cosmic Magical Comic Book Universe

The forge of creativity & business that was Marvel Comics was a synchronic chord sounded by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko and all the authors and artists and inkers and colorists who worked there. It all started during the early 1960’s when the Fantastic Four and Spider-man and the X-men (The Uncanny …

The origins of fabric painting

You look at the wonderful tapestries and marvel at the designs. The painted fabrics take your breath away and make you wonder how on earth did they do that? Craftsmen of all ages have passed on their amazing skills, teaching people how to paint fabrics for centuries. Fabric painting is said to have its roots …

FOCUS in Gymnastics… It’s a SAFETY issue

FOCUS in Gymnastics… It’s a SAFETY issue! What is the ability to concentrate? Concentration is the key to success… But there’s more to it than just thinking about the skill or routine to perform. What is the ability to concentrate? Believe it or not, what an athlete does outside of the gym is just as …

How to Implement Good Forex Money Management Strategies

Most people who start out in forex trade focus their entire attention on learning a good forex strategy, method or system. Most of them think that if they are able to make profitable trades, they will become profitable traders and eventually make a living trading Forex… Most traders are dead wrong! A forex strategy, method …

Surveillance Cameras – The Truth About Wireless Cameras

Security cameras are one of the best options available to monitor your business operations or home, ensuring safety and security. Proper security camera installation and equipment choices play a huge role in their performance. The first steps in installing a video surveillance system are selecting the right cameras and identifying the installation site. There are …

Advantages and disadvantages of digital electronics

Digital electronics are systems that use a digital signal instead of an analog signal. Digital Electronic circuits are those that work with digital signals. These are discrete signals sampled from the analog signal. Digital circuits use binary notation to transmit the signal. A digital circuit is made up of small electronic circuits called logic gates …

The Purpose and Significance of the Waggle

To the untrained eye, the wobble appears as a pointless, wriggling motion that does nothing useful in swing. For the untrained, the wobble is nothing more than a way to burn off nervous energy before hitting a golf swing. If the jiggling is done right, such apparitions couldn’t be further from the truth. The wiggle …