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Interview with Ken Hassman, professional book indexer

Ken Hassman is a good friend of mine; he owns his own book indexing company, Hassman Book Indexing Service. I decided to ask him for an interview. Book indexing is an art form – not everyone can do it. Ken has created indexes for some of the biggest names in publishing, Oxford University Press, Cambridge …

Leadership – organizational typologies

Organizational typologies with a focus on authority and intimacy, corporate character and culture, and healthy corporate culture To begin a logical discussion of typologies related to authority and intimacy, organizational character and culture, and the characteristics of a healthy culture, we must first consider the basic types of organizations that exist. This information is of …

Inexpensive marketing strategies for small businesses

For most small businesses, marketing budgets are an impossible luxury. But note – you don’t have to spend a lot of money to market your business effectively! There are a variety of ways to increase your business’ visibility, customer base, and marketing strategies without putting aside a large chunk of your budget. It’s no secret …

Realize your dream of freelance photography

Photography is a popular hobby for many people. There is something seductive about capturing memories, occasions, spectacular sights and the beauty of nature on camera. With today’s digital technology and the affordable cost of cameras, it’s easier than ever to develop a love of photography and gain access to gear. Anyone can be a photographer, …

Business ethics is a moral responsibility

Ethical business practices are standards of behavior related to moral judgments that apply to individuals working in trade-related positions (Gitman, 2012). Shareholders and stakeholders are two different groups of investors who have a vested interest in a company’s success. Shareholders are investors who are not employed by the company but who have bought shares (stock) …

Introduction to the psychology of Atkinson and Hilgard

When you are young the world is your oyster, there are so many opportunities open to you and you have hundreds of different paths all open to you. As harsh as it may sound, it is wise to have a good understanding of where you are going and what career you want to pursue. When …

Accounting is fun!

“How does an accountant make a bold fashion statement? He wears his gray suit instead of his blue one.” We’ve all heard the jokes and can imagine the stereotypical image of the accountant – the straightened pencil pusher clutching a leather briefcase tightly to his chest. But maybe it’s time we ditch these stereotypes. There’s …