The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

Training for and participating in a triathlon is an excellent way to help with weight loss. A triathlon consists of swimming, cycling and running. Competitors complete each leg of the…

The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

Cross training keeps your metabolism high

The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

One of the main reasons training for a triathlon is so effective for losing weight is because of the cross-training required to prepare for competitions. Cyclists often focus exclusively on…


The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

As part of your triathlon training, consider training for an endurance bike race, such as B. a journey of the century. A Century Ride is a 100-mile bike ride, and…

The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

Now consider training for a triathlon. You must prepare to complete the event's swim, bike, and run course. As a result, you will likely split your training time across the…

The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

Speed ​​work can also boost your metabolism


The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

If you're training for your first triathlon, you'll probably choose a sprint or an Olympic distance race. These races are significantly longer than the Ironman distance triathlons that many people…

The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

Since you're probably training for a shorter race, you'll probably also incorporate some interval training into your swim, bike, and run workouts. Interval training essentially consists of alternating short sprints…

The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

Supplement your diet to keep your metabolism high


The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

While triathlon training can help keep your metabolism high, your diet can also have an impact on your metabolism. Smart nutritional choices like choosing fruits, vegetables, and whole grains over…

The Variety in Triathlon Training Can Help You Lose Weight

Thanks to Kamau Austin | #Variety #Triathlon #Training #Lose #Weight