Libraries have long played a critical role in learning. The first great library in Alexandria two thousand years ago was really the first university. Consisting of a zoo and various…
Role of modern libraries:
A library is defined by three basic functions:
(1)Choose to create a "Collection"; (2) organization to provide access; and (3) Storage for further use.
Although technologies may evolve to add the second function to the web, the first and third functions are contrary to the very nature of the web today. The successor to…
The web is definitely not a library now and probably never will be. But the Web provides a wonderful mechanism for collaboration between scholars and librarians who wish to create…
How do libraries support teaching and learning?
A library is fundamentally an organized collection of resources spanning human services as well as the full media spectrum (e.g., text, video, hypermedia). Libraries have physical components such as space,…
Libraries fulfill at least three roles in learning.
First, they serve a practical role in sharing expensive resources. Physical resources such as books and magazines, films and videos, software and electronic databases, and specialized tools such as projectors,…
Second, libraries fulfill a cultural role in preserving and organizing artifacts and ideas. Great works of literature, art and science must be preserved and made accessible to future learners. Although…
Third, libraries fulfill a social and intellectual role by bringing people and ideas together. This differs from the practical role of resource sharing in that libraries provide a physical place…
Formal learning is systematic and instructional. Formal learning takes place in courses of various kinds in schools and in training or programs in the workplace. The important role that libraries…
Much of life's learning is informal - opportunistic and strictly under the control of the learner. In informal learning, learners use other people, mass media and the immediate environment. The…
Professional learning refers to the ongoing learning that adults undertake to do their jobs and improve their work-related knowledge and skills. In fact, for many professionals, learning is the central…
However, the most important sources of information for professional learning are personal collections of books, reports and files; magazine subscriptions; and the human networks of colleagues maintained through professional meetings…
Digital libraries extend these in an interdisciplinary manner by making diverse information resources available beyond the physical space shared by study groups. One of the greatest benefits of digital libraries…
Digital libraries combine technology and information resources to enable remote access and eliminate the physical barriers between resources. Although these resources remain specialized to meet the needs of specific learning…
As research and education increasingly rely on global networks for the creation, storage and dissemination of knowledge, the need to educate information literate students is increasingly recognized. Students often lack…
Technology makes it possible to make library services available to students and faculty whenever and wherever they need such services. Technology enables 24/7 library services without increasing investment in human…
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Thanks to Poonkothai Rethinasami | #Roles #Libraries #Teaching #Learning